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The influence of emotions due to verbal admonishment and encouragement on performance monitoring正木宏明ヒト実験神経科学事象関連電位error negativity/error-related negativityverbal admonishment and encouragementperformance monitoringstandardized low-resolution brain electromagnetic tomography

書誌:   Neuroreport , 2011

Ogawa K., Masaki H., Yamazaki K. & Sommer W.(2011).  Neuroreport, 22(7):313-8 .

This study investigated the relationship between emotion and performance monitoring as reflected in the error negativity/error-related negativity (Ne/ERN). Data were collected by using a spatial Stroop task from 15 female students of a university tennis club. After errors, participants received verbal feedback-recorded admonishments or encouragements spoken by their team captain. In a control condition no feedback was given after errors. Verbal admonishment decreased the ERN relative to the control condition, indicating impaired performance monitoring in line with somewhat larger compatibility effects in this condition. Source localization indicated a shift of the ERN toward more rostral zones within the anterior cingulate cortex indicating the involvement of affective processes.

Performance monitoring during sleep inertia after a 1-h daytime nap正木宏明ヒト実験神経科学事象関連電位error positivityerror negativity/error-related negativityerror monitoringsleep inertiadaytime nap

書誌: J Sleep Res , 2010

Asaoka S, Masaki H, Ogawa K, Murphy TI, Fukuda K, Yamazaki K. (2010). J Sleep Res. 19(3):436-43. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2869.2009.00811.x. SUMMARY Performance monitoring is an essential function involved in the correction of errors. Deterioration of this function may result in serious accidents. This function is reflected in two event-related potential (ERP) components that occur after erroneous responses, specifically the error-related negativity ⁄ error negativity (ERN ⁄Ne) and error positivity (Pe). The ERN ⁄Ne is thought to be associated with error detection, while the Pe is thought to reflect motivational significance or recognition of errors. Using these ERP components, some studies have shown that sleepiness resulting from extended wakefulness may cause a decline in error-monitoring function. However, the eff ects of sleep inertia have not yet been explored. In this study, we examined the eff ects of sleep inertia immediately after a 1-h daytime nap on error-monitoring function as expressed through the ERN ⁄Ne and Pe. Nine healthy young adults participated in two diff erent experimental conditions (nap and rest). Participants performed the arrow orientation task before and immediately after a 1-h nap or rest period. Immediately after the nap, participants reported an increased effort to perform the task and tended to estimate their performance as better, despite no objective difference in actual performance between the two conditions. ERN ⁄Ne amplitude showed no difference between the conditions; however, the amplitude of the Pe was reduced following the nap. These results suggest that individuals can detect their own error responses, but the motivational significance ascribed to these errors might be diminished during the sleep inertia experienced after a 1-h nap. This decline might lead to overestimation of their performance. keywords daytime nap, error monitoring, error negativity/error-related negativity, error positivity, sleep inertia

重点領域報告(村岡).pdf村岡慶裕, 重点領域報告

Neural mechanisms of timing control in a coincident timing task正木宏明ヒト実験神経科学事象関連電位motor potentialperformance monitoringreceptor anticipationeffector anticipationCNVcoincident timing

書誌: Exp Brain Res ,2012

Masaki H, Sommer W, Takasawa N, Yamazaki K. (2012). Exp Brain Res. 218(2):215-26. doi: 10.1007/s00221-012-3052-5. Abstract Many ball sports such as tennis or baseball require precise temporal anticipation of both sensory input and motor output (i.e., receptor anticipation and effect or anticipation, respectively) and close performance monitoring. We investigated the neural mechanisms underlying timing control and performance monitoring in a coincident timing task involving both types of anticipations. Peak force for two time-to-peak force (TTP) conditions—recorded with a force-sensitive key—was required to coincide with a specific position of a stimulus rotating either slow or fast on a clock face while the contingent negative variation (CNV) and the motor-elicited negativity were recorded. Absolute timing error was generally smaller for short TTP (high velocity) conditions. CNV amplitudes increased with both faster stimulus velocity and longer TTPs possibly reflecting increased motor programming efforts. In addition, the motor-elicited negativity was largest in the slow stimulus/short TTP condition, probably representing some forms of performance monitoring as well as shorter response duration. Our findings indicate that the coincident timing task is a good model for real-life situations of tool use. Keywords Coincident timing  CNV  Motor potential Effector anticipation  Receptor anticipation Performance monitoring

重点領域報告(内田).pdf内田直, 重点領域報告

重点領域報告(可部).pdf重点領域報告, 可部明克

Asymmetry between alpha wave and NK cell changes during forehead light exposure熊野宏昭ヒト実験神経科学自発脳波NK cellforeheadasymmetryalpha wavephotodiode

書誌: Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry,2010

Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry 10 (2010) 91–95

Tsutomu Kamei, Yoshitaka Toriumi, Seiji Yamaguchi, Hiroaki Kumano and Seiichi Jimbo

We exposed the forehead of human subjects to red light from a light-emitting diode while ensuring the eyes of the subjects were shielded. Natural killer (NK) cell activity and the number of peripheral NK cells (CD57–CD16+) were examined. The relationship between changes in these immunological parameters and the change in brain alpha waves wasinvestigated. Upon exposure to the light, a tendency toward increased NK activity was observed, along with a significant increase in the level of CD57–CD16+. Correlation was observed between the change in level of CD57–CD16+ and the change in effective amplitude of alpha waves in the first 5 min of exposure. The most significant correlation was in the frontal region. Moreover, the correlation was more significant in the right cerebral hemisphere than in the left. These results suggest that frontal exposure to red light induced a change in alpha wave amplitude that was greater in the right hemisphere than in the left hemisphere, and which was positively correlated with changes in peripheral NK cells.

Keywords: alpha wave, asymmetry, forehead, NK cell, photodiode

TIME-DEPENDENT INHIBITORY EFFECT OF LIPOPOLYSACCHARIDE INJECTION ON PER1 AND PER2 GENE EXPRESSION IN THE MOUSE HEART AND LIVER柴田重信生体リズムマウス実験時間生物学遺伝情報sepsis-related endotoxic shockcircadian rhythmlipopolysaccharideclock genesPer2

書誌: Chronobiology International ,2010

Chronobiology International, 27(2): 213–232, (2010)

Yusuke Yamamura, Ichiro Yano, Takashi Kudo, and Shigenobu Shibata

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a pathogen-associated large molecule responsible for sepsis-related endotoxic shock, and the heart is one of the most common organs adversely affected. LPS is reported to increase serum TNFα levels and reduce Per1 and Per2 gene expression. Therefore, in this experiment, we determined the timedependent effects of LPS on heart rate (HR) and circadian gene expression in the mouse heart and liver. HR of the LPS group was significantly elevated 2 and 8 h after injection compared to the control group. A significant percent increase in HR was observed at ZT6, 12, and 18. LPS increased Tnfα mRNA expression in the heart and liver at ZT6, 18, and 24. A time-dependent effect of LPS on reduction of Per1 and Per2 gene expression was also observed in the heart and liver. In order to examine the effect of LPS on cell damage, we examined apoptosis-related gene expression after LPS injection. Bax mRNA expression level of the LPS group was higher than that of the control group 8 and 26 h after injection. On the other hand, Bcl2 mRNA expression level of the LPS group was lower than that of the control group 2 and 26 h after injection. Dexamethasone strongly attenuated the LPSinduced increase of serum TNFα without significant change in Per1 and Per2 gene expression in the heart. In conclusion, the present results demonstrated that LPS exerts a time-dependent inhibitory effect on Per1 and Per2 gene expression in the heart and liver. The chronopharmacological lethal effect of LPS may be related to the time-dependent increase of serum TNFα level and simultaneously high level of Per2 gene expression in the heart and liver between ZT12–18. Taken together, chronopharmacological effect of LPS may be related to not only sickness behavior syndrome and mortality, but also circadian rhythm systems. (Author correspondence: shibatas@waseda.jp) Keywords: Lipopolysaccharide; Circadian rhythm; Clock genes; Sepsis-related endotoxic shock

研究所員分担内容_可部.pdf研究分担内容, 可部明克



電子情報通信学会論文誌 D Vol. J95–D No. 4 pp. 960–968 西田 昌史, 堀内 靖雄, 黒岩 眞吾, 市川 熹

あらまし 本研究では,視覚障害者にとってより効率的に正しい漢字を選択できる方式として,変換候補の漢 字の意味情報を用いた手法を提案する.変換候補の漢字を連想しやすい基準として,意味の観点から上位語・類 義語・関連用言,語源の観点から和語・漢語・外来語を意味情報として用いた.従来の詳細読みと提案手法であ る意味情報に基づいた漢字変換による比較実験を,晴眼者による疑似実験と視覚障害者を対象に行った.その結 果,意味情報は詳細読みに比べてより負担が少なく速く漢字を変換できる傾向が明らかになった.

キーワード 視覚障害者,スクリーンリーダ,仮名漢字変換,詳細読み,意味情報


書誌: 行動療法研究,2011

岡島 純子・佐藤 容子・鈴木 伸一(2011), 幼児を持つ母親の育児自動思考尺度の開発とストレス反応の関連, 行動療法研究, 37(1), 1-11.


本研究の目的は、幼児を持つ母親の自動思考を測定する育児自動思考尺度( ATQ-CR )を開発し、ストレス反応との関連について検討することであった。予備調査 1にて、育児ストレス場面を抽出し、予備調査 2にて、四つの育児ストレス場面、 78の自動思考項目を抽出した。本調査では、探索的因子分 析、高次因子分析を行い、ネガティブ思考 29項目、ポジティブ思考14項目が抽出された。 ATQ-CR の内的整合性は高く(ネガティブ思考因子α=. 90、ポジティブ思考因子α=. 76)、妥当性は、内容妥当 性と基準関連妥当性の観点から確認された。 SOMモデルに基づき、自動思考のバランスとストレス反 応の関連性について検討した結果、ネガティブ寄り群、中立群のほうがポジティブ寄り群よりもストレ ス反応が有意に高かった。本研究の結果から、育児中の母親に対して自動思考に焦点を当てたストレス マネジメント介入の必要性が示唆された。


書誌: 日本心療内科学会誌 ,2012

辻 内 琢 也, 増 田 和 高, 千 田 瑛 子, 永 友 春 華, 伊 藤 康 文, 中 上 綾 子, 鈴 木 勝 己, 猪 股 正 (2012). 第16回日本心療内科学会総会・学術大会【シンポジウム7】東日本大震災における心療内科医の役割,日本心療内科学会誌16:261-268.

要旨:<研究1>埼玉県では,震災直後に「さいたまスーパーアリーナ」に大規模な一時避難所を設立し,最大約 2,500人の被災者を受け入れた。「腰災支援ネットワーク埼玉 (SSN)」が一時避難場所利用者受付票として行ったアンケート調査を解析し,人口構成を震災前の福島県相双管内人口動態統計データと比較したところ, 5~14 歳の就学年齢と,その親世代と考えられる 40代女性の人口が多く,子ども達を守るために母子が避難してきた可能性が示唆された。また, 1人世帯および2人世帯には高齢者が多く,特に "子育て世代" と“高齢者 "への支援が重要であることが判明した。<研究 2>2011 年11月の段階で,避難者は公営住宅や民間住宅に個別避難し,地域での生活を模索している状況である。①情報が入らない.支援が届かない,②避難先の地域に理解してもらえない,という問題が民間団体への相談から見出されており,今後は個人情報を把握している“官”と,実質的な支援を行う "民" との協同による,「社会的包摂 (socialinclusion)」の考え方に基づいた新たな支援体制の構築が求められる。埼玉県では,埼玉弁謹士会の呼びかけにより,県および市町村の自治体,各民間団体,各士業・専門家団体が集まり「腰災対策連絡協議会」を発足させ,①支援情報窓口の設圃,②総合的な相談体制の構築,③官民連携型の協議会の定期的開催,を目指している。 【索引用語】東日本大震災;原発避難者;さいたまスーパーアリーナ;官民協同支援体制;社会的包摂

Synthesis of a New [6]-Gingerol Analogue and Its Protective Effect with Respect to the Development of Metabolic Syndrome in Mice Fed a High-Fat Diet柴田重信マウス実験神経科学遺伝情報metabolic syndromehigh-fat dietobesity

書誌:   Journal of Medicinal Chemistry , 2011

J. Med. Chem. 2011, 54, 6295–6304

Mayumi Okamoto,  Hiroyuki Irii, Yu Tahara, Hiroyuki Ishii, Akiko Hirao, Haruhide Udagawa, Masaki Hiramoto, Kazuki Yasuda, Atsuo Takanishi, Shigenobu Shibata, and Isao Shimizu

ABSTRACT: To determine the e ffects of a [6]-gingerol analogue (6G), a major chemical component of the ginger rhizome, and its stable analogueafter digestion in simulated gastric fluid, aza-[6]-gingerol (A6G), on diet-induced body fat accumulation, we synthesized 6G andA6G. Mice were fed either a control regular rodent chow, a high-fat diet (HFD), or a HFD supplemented with 6G and A6G.Magnetic resonance imaging adiposity parameters of the 6G- and A6G-treated mice were compared with those of control mice.Supplementation with 6G and A6G significantly reduced body weight gain, fat accumulation, and circulating levels of insulin andleptin. The mRNA levels of sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1c (SREBP-1c) and acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 in the liver weresignificantly lower in mice fed A6G than in HFD control mice. Our findings indicate that A6G, rather than 6G, enhances energymetabolism and reduces the extent of lipogenesis by downregulating SREBP-1c and its related molecules, which leads to thesuppression of body fat accumulation.

研究所員分担内容_村岡.pdf村岡慶裕, 研究分担内容

研究所員分担内容_野村.pdf研究分担内容, 野村忍

Involvement of Stress Kinase Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Kinase 7 in Regulation of Mammalian Circadian Clock柴田重信生体リズムマウス実験時間生物学遺伝情報stresscircadian rhythmMKK7Per2


THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 287, NO. 11, pp. 8318–8326, March 9, 2012

Yoshimi Uchida, Tomomi Osaki, Tokiwa Yamasaki, Tadanori Shimomura, Shoji Hata, Kazumasa Horikawa, Shigenobu Shibata, Takeshi Todo, Jun Hirayama, and Hiroshi Nishina

Background: MKK7 is a kinase involved in the cellular stress response. Results: MKK7 regulates circadian gene expression and the stability of an essential circadian component in unstressed mammalian cells. Conclusion: MKK7 functions as a circadian clock regulator. Significance: Our identification of role of MKK7 in the circadian clock provides insight into the importance of stress-responsive molecules in the maintenance of cellular homeostasis.



高等教育において聴覚障害学生が抱える具体的困難の抽出(2011), 日本生活支援工学会誌,11(1), 26-33.

Abstract In recent years, there has been an increased focus on the  use of hearing aids during childhood, for  facilitating early language development among individuals with hearing disabilities. This has led to an  increase in the number of children with hearing disabilities studying in higher education institutions.  Therefore, it is essential that we create a suitable support system for individuals with hearing disabilities. It  is commonly observed that, hearing disabilities cannot be immediately detected  or perceived because of  their inapparent nature. Hence, while we considering at relevant support system for students with hearing  disabilities, we should recognize that in order to identify obstacles faced by such students, an important  alternative is self-disclosure, which can be conducted through interview research. This study found that such  students were sensitive to their environment and the reactions of people around them and that they were  typically affected by a sense of insecurity. This finding will be helpful in providing appropriate assistance to  such students.

人材の確保・活用におけるオフィス環境の寄与に関する研究 - その2 職務ストレス・モチベーションに着目した知的生産性評価モデル -小島隆矢ストレス社会ヒト調査社会学質問紙構造方程式モデリングモチベーション知的生産性オフィス因果モデル

書誌:日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集 ,2013

Caloric restriction-associated remodeling of rat white adipose tissue: effects on the growth hormone/insulin-like growth factor-1 axis, sterol regulatory element binding protein-1, and macrophage infiltration千葉卓哉遺伝子ラット実験分子生物学遺伝学マクロファージcalorie restrictionIGF-I生体組織画像DNAインスリンinsulin-like growth factor-1カロリー制限growth hormonelipid biosynthesisホルモン脂肪細胞Sterol regulatory element binding protein

書誌: Age , 2013

Chujo Y, Fujii N, Okita N, Konishi T, Narita T, Yamada A, Haruyama Y, Tashiro K, Chiba T, Shimokawa I, Higami Y. (2013). Age (Dordr). 35(4):1143-56. doi: 10.1007/s11357-012-9439-1. Abstract  The role of the growth hormone (GH)-insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1 axis in the lifelong caloric restriction (CR)-associated remodeling of white adiposetissue (WAT), adipocyte size, and gene expression profiles was explored in this study. We analyzed the WAT morphology of 6–7-month-old wild-type Wistarrats fed ad libitum (WdAL) or subjected to CR (WdCR),and of heterozygous transgenic dwarf rats bearing ananti-sense GH transgene fed ad libitum (TgAL) or subjected to CR (TgCR). Although less effective in TgAL, the adipocyte size was significantly reduced in WdCR compared with WdAL. This CR effect was blunted inTg rats. We also used high-density oligonucleotide microarrays to examine the gene expression profile ofWAT of WdAL, WdCR, and TgAL rats. The gene expression profile of WdCR, but not TgAL, differed greatly from that of WdAL. The gene clusters with the largest changes induced by CR but not by Tg were genes involved in lipid biosynthesis and inflammation, particularly sterol regulatory element binding proteins(SREBPs)-regulated and macrophage-related genes, respectively. Real-time reverse-transcription polymerasechain reaction analysis confirmed that the expression of SREBP-1 and its downstream targets was upregulated, whereas the macrophage-related genes were downregulated in WdCR, but not in TgAL. In addition, CR affected the gene expression profile of Tg rats similarly to wild-type rats. Our findings suggest that CR-associated remodeling of WAT, which involvesSREBP-1-mediated transcriptional activation and suppression of macrophage infiltration, is regulated in aGH–IGF-1-independent manner. Keywords: Growth hormone. Insulin-like growth factor-1. Caloric restriction (CR). Lipid biosynthesis. Sterol regulatory element binding protein. DNA microarray

Combination of starvation interval and food volume determines the phase of liver circadian rhythm in Per2::Luc knock-in mice under two meals per day feeding柴田重信生体リズムマウス実験遺伝学神経科学時間生物学遺伝情報Per2feeding habitsbreakfast effectrestricted feeding oscillationclock genes

書誌: Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol ,2010

Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 299: G1045–G1053, 2010.

Akiko Hirao, Hiroki Nagahama, Takuma Tsuboi, Mizuho Hirao, Yu Tahara, and Shigenobu Shibata

Combination of starvation interval and food volume determines the phase of liver circadian rhythm in Per2::Luc knock-in mice under two meals per day feeding. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 299: G1045–G1053, 2010. First published September 16, 2010; doi:10.1152/ajpgi.00330.2010.—Although the circadian liver clock is entrained by the feeding cycle, factors such as food volume and starvation interval are poorly understood. Per2::Luc knock-in mice were given two meals per day with different food volume sizes and/or with different intervals of starvation between two mealtimes with the total food volume per day fixed at 3.6 g (80 food pellets, 75% of free feeding) per mouse. The bioluminescence rhythm in the liver produced a unimodal peak but not bimodal peak under the regimen of two meals per day over 14–15 days. Peak Per2 expression occurred concurrently with the mealtime of the larger food volume, when the first and second meal were given as different food volume ratios under a 12 h feeding interval. When an equal volume of food was given under different starvation interval (8 h:16 h), the peak of the Per2 rhythm was close to peak by mealtime after long starvation (16 h). When food volumes for each mealtime were changed under 8 h:16 h, the peak rhythm was influenced by combined factors of food volume and starvation interval. Food intake after the 16-h starvation caused a significant increase in liver Per2, Dec1, and Bmal1 gene expression compared with food intake after the 8-h starvation with 8 h:16 h feeding intervals. In conclusion, the present results clearly demonstrate that food-induced entrainment of the liver clock is dependent on both food volume and the starvation interval between two meals. Therefore, normal feeding habits may help to maintain normal clock function in the liver organ.

restricted feeding oscillation; clock gene; feeding habits; breakfast effect