タイトル | 著者 | タグ | 概要 | |
Rostral anteriot cingulate cortex activity mediates the relationship between the depressive symptoms and the medial prefrontal cortex activity | 鈴木伸一 | 疾患特性脳ヒト実験臨床心理学神経科学認知課題fMRIself-referential processinganterior cingulate cortexmedial prefrontal cortexdepressionemotion | 書誌:Journal of Affective Disorder,2010
Shinpei Yoshimura, Yasumasa Okamoto, Keiichi Onoda, Miki Matsunaga, Kazutaka Ueda, Shin-ichi Suzuki, ShigetoYamawaki(2010),Rostral anteriot cingulate cortex activity mediates the relationship between the depressive symptoms and the medial prefrontal cortex activity, Journal of Affective Disorder, 122(1-2), 76-85.
Abstract Background: Depression is characterized by enhanced self-referential processing of negative emotional stimuli. Imaging studies have suggested that activation of both the medial prefrontal (MPFC) and anterior cingulate cortices (ACC) is associated with self-referential processing. However, whether this pattern of activation occurs in depressed individuals during the selfreferential processing of the emotional stimuli had not been investigated to date. Methods: Participants were 13 patients with major depressive disorder and 13 normal controls. We used block-designed functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate neural activity during the self-referential judgments of positive and negative valenced personality trait words. Results: Compared with the normal controls, the depressed patients showed hyperactivity in the MPFC and the rostral ACC during the self-referential processing of negative words. In addition, the activity of these regions during self-referential processing of the negative stimuli was correlated with the depressive symptom severity. The rostral ACC activity mediated the correlation between the MPFC activity and the depressive symptoms. Functional connectivity analysis revealed positive connectivities between the MPFC, the rostral ACC, and the amygdala. Limitation: Small N and antidepressant effect on imaging data limit the stability of reported findings. Conclusions: The relationships between the MPFC, the rostral ACC, and the amygdala appear to reflect an interaction between the self-referential processing and the negative emotional information processing, and we propose that the strong connection between the MPFC and the rostral ACC is associated with depressive symptoms. | |
研究所員分担内容_畠山.pdf | 畠山卓朗, 研究分担内容 | |||
抑うつの認知バイアスにおける時系列的な認知処理過程の探索的検討 | 熊野宏昭, 嶋田洋徳 | 疾患特性脳ヒト実験臨床心理学神経科学事象関連電位抑うつの脆弱性うつ病時間周波数解析認知バイアス | Yamamoto, T., Shimada, H.: "Cognitive Dysfunctions after Recovery from Major Depressive Episodes" Applied Neuropsychology ( 印刷中 ). ○山本哲也 1,2・菅谷 渚 3・嶋田洋徳 4・熊野宏昭 4 (1早稲田大学大学院人間科学研究科・2日本学術振興会特別研究員・3東京都医学総合研究所・4早稲田大学人間科学学術院) キーワード: 認知バイアス,時間周波数解析,抑うつの脆弱性 | |
研究所員分担内容_有竹.pdf | 研究分担内容, 有竹清夏 | |||
重点領域報告(鈴木).pdf | 鈴木伸一, 重点領域報告 | |||
Sleep quality in athletes under normobaric hypoxia equivalent to 1500m sltitude: A polysomnographic study | 内田直 | 生体リズム脳ヒト実験生理学神経科学時間生物学生理指標自発脳波slow-wave sleepacute hypoxiatotal delta powerindividual differencesall-night NREM sleep EEG | 書誌: European Journal of Sport Science , 2010 Masako Hoshikawa, Sunao Uchida, Takayuki Sugo, Yasuko Kumai, Yoshiteru Hanai & Takashi Kawahara (2010). European Journal of Sport Science, 10:3, 191-198. Abstract In the present study, we evaluated the duration of slow-wave sleep (Stage 3 and 4) and total delta power (B3Hz) in all-night non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep electroencephalograms (EEGs) of athletes during normobaric hypoxia at simulated altitudes of 1500 m. Seven male athletes slept for two nights in a normoxic condition and one night in an hypoxic condition equivalent to an altitude of 1500 m. Whole-night polysomnographic recordings, thoracic and abdominal motion, nasal and oral airflow, and blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) were recorded. Visual sleep stage scoring and fast Fourier transformation analyses of EEG were performed using 30-s epochs. Mean and minimum SpO2 decreased significantly during sleep in the hypoxic condition. Between groups, changes in heart rate, respiratory disturbance measures including apnoea and hypopnoea, slow-wave sleep and total delta power of the all-night NREM sleep EEG were small and non-significant for the hypoxic condition. However, individual difference in time at an SpO2 below 90% were large in the hypoxic condition, and both slow-wave sleep and total delta power of all-night NREM sleep EEG decreased in three participants who spent a prolonged time below 90% SpO2. The present results suggest that monitoring time below 90% SpO2 is recommended when studying individuals’ living-high schedule even under hypoxic conditions equivalent to an altitude of 1500 m. Keywords: Acute hypoxia, slow-wave sleep, total delta power, all-night NREM sleep EEG, individual differences | |
Ghrelin Induces Time-Dependent Modulation of Thermoregulation in the Cold | 永島計 | 生体リズムマウス実験運動生理学food deprivation体温body temperaturecircadian rhythmshypothalamusmetabolismghrelin | 書誌: Chronobiology International ,2012 Chronobiology International, 29(6): 736–746, (2012) Ken Tokizawa, Yuki Onoue, Yuki Uchida, and Kei Nagashima
Fasted mice show torpor-like hypothermia in the cold in their inactive phase. The aim of the present study was toelucidate whether leptin and/or ghrelin are involved in this reaction and to identify its neurophysiologicalmechanisms. In ob/ob mice, which lack leptin, metabolic heat production (oxygen consumption, VO2) wassuppressed in 20°C cold in both the light and dark phases, resulting in hypothermia. When wild-type mice receiveda systemic injection of 8 µg ghrelin in the early light phase, followed by a 2-h cold exposure to 10°C, their corebody temperature (Tb) decreased by 1.7°C, and they displayed a less marked increase in VO2 compared with vehicleinjected mice. However, ghrelin injection in the early dark phase resulted in the maintenance of Tb and increasedVO2 in the mice, which was similar to the result observed in the vehicle-injected mice. The number of doublylabeled neurons with cFos and neuropeptide Y (NPY) in the suprachiasmatic nucleus was greater in the light phasein the ghrelin-injected mice, which may suggest that ghrelin activates NPY neurons. On the contrary, in theparaventricular nucleus, the counts became greater only when they were exposed to the cold in the dark phase.These results indicate that ghrelin plays an important role in inducing time-dependent changes in thermoregulationin the cold via hypothalamic pathways. (Author correspondence: tokizawa@aoni.waseda.jp) Keywords: Body temperature, Circadian rhythm, Food deprivation, Ghrelin, Hypothalamus, Metabolism | |
巨大地震への対応に見られる親子関係:子別れの観点からの検討 | 根ヶ山光一 | 行動発達ヒトラット調査発達心理学質問紙自律性子別れ環境対応能力地震親の保護 | 書誌: 発達心理学研究,2010 発達心理学研究 21(4), 386-395, 2010-12-20 根ヶ山光一(早稲田大学人間科学学術院) 環境対処能力の発達を明らかにする目的で,1995年1月に発生した兵庫県南部地震への子どもと親の反応が兵庫県下のニュータウンで調べられた。対象とされたのは同ニュータウンの私立Y幼稚園に通園する園児とそのきょうだい315名(0〜16歳;平均6.1歳,SD=2.4;男児176名,女児136名;第1子166名)とその両親である.地震発生時75.2%の子どもが親と同室就寝しており,10.5%が一人で寝ていた。地震に対して親は大きな驚きを示したが,子どもの約30%は驚きをほとんどあるいは全く示していなかった。年少の子どもほど驚きが少なく,その変節点は7歳であった。親の多くは子どもを抱いたりその上におおい被さったりして,身をもって子どもを守ろうとしていた。それは幼い子どもの場合により顕著であったが,手を握って安心させる,あるいは声をかけるという保護行動が年齢とともに増加していた。子どもの自発的行動は,親のもとに来るという行動から布団をかぶるという行動へと発達的に変化していた。これらの結果をもとに,子どもの生命を誰がどう守るのかが子別れの観点から議論された。 | |
重点領域報告(千葉).pdf | 千葉卓哉, 重点領域報告 | |||
企業従業員における罰と報酬の感受性とストレッサ―ストレス反応との関連 | 鈴木伸一 | ストレスヒト調査臨床心理学質問紙就労者ストレス反応罰と報酬の感受性 | 書誌:ストレス科学,2014 伊藤大輔・田上明日香・大野真由子・清水馨・奈良元壽・鈴木伸一(2014), 企業従業員における罰と報酬の感受性とストレッサ―,ストレス反応との関連, ストレス科学, 27(3), 291-300. 要約 本研究の目的は,職場における罰と報酬の感受性尺度を作成したうえでストレッサ―,ストレス反応(ネガティブなストレス反応と活気)との関連を明らかにすることであった。企業従業員を対象に調査を実施した結果,十分な信頼性と妥当性を有する職場における罰と報酬の感受性尺度(2因子構造,全15項目)が開発された。次に,職場における罰と報酬の感受性とストレッサ―,ストレス反応の関連を検討した結果,ストレッサ―にのみならず,罰と報酬の感受性もストレス反応(ネガティブなストレス反応と活気)の表出に関連していることが示された。以上のことから,職場領域において,個人の罰と報酬の感受性に着目した心理的介入がメンタルヘルスの向上のために有効である可能性が示唆された。 | |
重点領域報告(根ケ山).pdf | 根ヶ山光一, 重点領域報告 | |||
A novel methodology to evaluate health impacts caused by VOC ecposured usinn real-time VOC and holter monitors | 熊野宏昭 | 行動計測法ヒト実験身体医学臨床心理学健康科学生体工学生体リズム情報holter monitorVOCsreal-time monitoringheart rate variability (HRV) | 書誌: International Journal of Environmental Research Public Health,2010 Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2010, 7, 4127-4138 Atsushi Mizukoshi, Kazukiyo Kumagai, Naomichi Yamamoto, Miyuki Noguchi, Kazuhiro Yoshiuchi, Hiroaki Kumano and Yukio Yanagisawa Abstract: While various volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are known to show neurotoxic effects, the detailed mechanisms of the action of VOCs on the autonomic nervous system are not fully understood, partially because objective and quantitative measures to indicate neural abnormalities are still under development. Nevertheless, heart rate variability (HRV) has been recently proposed as an indicative measure of the autonomic effects. In this study, we used HRV as an indicative measure of the autonomic effrects to relate their values to thepersonal concentrations of VOCs measured by a real-time VOC monitor. The measurements were conducted for 24 hours on seven healthy subjects under usual daily life conditions.The results showed HF powers were significantly decreased for six subjects when the changes of total volatile organic compound (TVOC) concentrations were large, indicating asuppression of parasympathetic nervous activity induced by the exposure to VOCs. The present study indicated these real-time monitoring was useful to characterize the trends of VOC exposures and their effects on autonomic nervous system. Keywords: real-time monitoring; VOCs; heart rate variability (HRV); Holter monitor | |
Immediate effects of electrial stimulation combined with passive locomotion-like movement on gait velocity and spasticity in persons with hemiparetic stroke: a randomized contrlled study | 村岡慶裕 | 生体ヒト介入障害科学生体工学行動観察電気刺激electrical stimulationrandomized controlled studystrokerehabilitation | 書誌: Clinical Rehabiltation ,2012 Yamaguchi T, Tanabe S, Muraoka Y, Masakado Y, Kimura A, Tsuji T, Liu M. (2012). Clin Rehabil. 26(7):619-28. doi: 10.1177/0269215511426803. Abstract Objective: Research to examine the immediate effects of electrical stimulation combined with passive locomotion-like movement on gait velocity and spasticity. Design: A single-masked, randomized controlled trial design. Subjects: Twenty-seven stroke inpatients in subacute phase (ischemic n=16, hemorrhagic n=11). Interventions: A novel approach using electrical stimulation combined with passive locomotion-like movement. Main measures: We assessed the maximum gait speed and modified Ashworth scale before and 20 minutes after the interventions. Results: The gait velocity of the electrical stimulation combined with passive locomotion-like movement group showed the increase form 0.68±0.28 (mean±SD, unit: m) to 0.76±0.32 after the intervention. Both the electrical stimulation group and passive locomotion-like movement group also showed increases after the interventions (from 0.76±0.37 to 0.79±0.40, from 0.74±0.35 to 0.77±0.36, respectively). The gait velocity of the electrical stimulation combined with passive locomotion-like movement group differed significantly from those of the other groups (electrical stimulation combined with passive locomotion-like movement versus electrical stimulation: P=0.049, electrical stimulation combined with passive locomotionlike movement versus passive locomotion-like movement: P=0.025). Although there was no statistically significant difference in the modified Ashworth scale among the three groups, six of the nine subjects (66.6%) in the electrical stimulation combined with passive locomotion-like movement group showed improvement in the modified Ashworth scale score, while only three of the nine subjects (33.3%) in the electrical stimulation group and two of the nine subjects (22.2%) improved in the passive locomotion-like movement group. Conclusion: These findings suggest electrical stimulation combined with passive locomotion-like movement could improve gait velocity in stroke patients. | |
屋内プレイグラウンド利用者の意識調査 | 小島隆矢 | 社会ヒト調査社会学質問紙構造方程式モデリング商業施設遊び場利用者ニーズ顧客満足子育て | 書誌: 日本建築学会大会学術梗概集,2013 | |
The cortisol awaking response and autonomic nervous system activity during nocturnal and early morning periods | 野村忍 | 生体リズムヒト実験生理学autonomic nervous system activityambulatory electrocardiogramsawakeningsleep qualitycortisolホルモン自律神経 | 書誌: Neuro Endocrinol Lett , 2010 Shuhei Izawa, Nagisa Sugaya, Ryuichiro Yamamoto, Namiko Ogawa, Shinobu Nomura. (2010), The cortisol awakening response and autonomic nervous system activity during nocturnal and early morning periods. Neuro Endocrinol Lett, 31(5), 685-689. Abstract The current study focuses on autonomic nervous system activity during sleep as a physiological aspect of sleep quality, and investigated the associations between the cortisol awakening response (CAR) and autonomic activity during sleep and after awakening. Ambulatory electrocardiograms were obtained from 20 participants, who also provided saliva samples (at the time of awakening, and 30, 45, and 60 min after awakening) and rated the subjective quality of their sleep at home. Autonomic activity was assessed with the Lorenz plot indices, cardiac sympathetic index (CSI) and cardiac vagal index. Total salivary cortisol secretion after awakening was calculated as area under the curve with respect to ground (AUCG) and increase (AUCI ). After controlling for confounding factors, including sleep duration and awakening time, cortisol AUCG and AUCI were both found to be negatively correlated with CSI during the 30 min before and after awakening: before (r = –0.526 and –0.601 respectively) and after (r = –0.540 and –0.493 respectively). Self-reported sleep quality was not associated with the CAR. These results suggest that the CAR is negatively affected by basal sympathetic activity immediately before and after awakening, but not affected by subjective sleep quality. Physiological arousals around the time of awakening might inhibit the CAR | |
重点領域報告(熊野).pdf | 熊野宏昭, 重点領域報告 | |||
不安うつ病尺度の開発と信頼性・妥当性の検討 | 鈴木伸一 | 行動ヒト調査臨床心理学質問紙うつ病症状評価尺度不安障害 | 書誌:行動療法研究 ,2013
巣山 晴空・横山 知加・小松 智賀・野口 恭子・兼子 唯・鈴木伸一・貝谷久宣 (2013), 不安うつ病尺度の開発と信頼性・妥当性の検討, 行動療法研究39(2), 87-97. 要約本研究の目的は、「不安うつ病尺度( Anxious Depression Scale; ADS)」の開発であった。不安障害 にうつ病を併発した患者 114名、うつ病を併発していない不安障害患者 153名、大うつ病患者80名、 大学生97 名を対象に質問紙調査を行った。 ADSは「行動・情動症状」、「身体症状」、「攻撃的情動(動 的情動)」、「非攻撃的情動(静的情動)」の 4因子で構成され、内的整合性は高かった(α= 0.72 ~O. 92)。 また、 ADSは他の対象者と比較して不安うつ病患者において有意に高得点であり、うつ症状評価尺 度と中程度の正の相関関係にあった。以上の結果から、 ADSは高い信頼性と妥当性を有することが 明らかにされた。 | |
研究所員分担内容_小島.pdf | 小島隆矢, 研究分担内容 | |||
重点領域報告(畠山).pdf | 畠山卓朗, 重点領域報告 | |||
研究所員分担内容_彼末.pdf | 彼末一之, 研究分担内容 |