タイトル | 著者 | タグ | 概要 | |
脳機能の定性表現による人型エージェントに対する否定的情動反応形成モデルの提案 | 松居辰則 | 脳感覚システム開発ヒト実験モデル情報科学感覚心理学認知課題計算モデル不気味の谷扁桃体 | 書誌: 第70回先進的学習科学と工学研究会 ,2014 田和辻可昌, 村松慶一, 松居辰則:脳機能の定性表現による人型エージェントに対する否定的情動反応形成モデルの提案, 第70回先進的学習科学と工学研究会, B303-10, pp.49-54 (2014) Abstract: For designing the rounded communication between humans and agents, humanlike appearance of agents can contribute to human understandibility toward its intension. However, the excessive humanlikeness can cause human to feel repulsive against agent, which is well known as the uncanny valley. In this study we propose the model indicating how the human negative response occurs, based on the brain regions and its functions, including the amygdala, cortex and hippocampus. This model is discribled with quantitative reasoning. The results indicate that as human observes a humanlike agent, the emotional response goes negative and the brain regions were more activated in comparison with the case human observes a person. | |
リハビリテーション治療への応用 電気刺激―IVESも含めて― | 村岡慶裕 | 総説運動学習神経可塑性脳卒中電気刺激 | 書誌: Medical Rehabilitation ,2014 石尾晶代・村岡慶裕、2014、リハビリテーション治療への応用 電気刺激―IVESも含めて―、 Medical Rehabilitation、No.166、79-85 Abstract 長い歴史をもちながら,あまり注目されることのなかった電気刺激治療であるが,近年,末梢からの電気刺激が中枢神経系に対して可塑的変化をもたらすことが明らかにされたことで,注目されるようになってきた。脳卒中などの治療において,中枢神経系の促進や抑制を目的として用いられるようになり,リハビリテーションにおいて新たな潮流を生じさせている。 本稿では,まず電気刺激の生体への作用機序など,表面電極による電機刺激治療より有効かつ安全に実施するために必要となる基礎的な治療について述べた。続いてリハビリテーション医療における活用法として①治療的電気刺激(therapeutic electrical stimulation:TES),②機能的電気刺(functional electrical stimulation:FES),③筋力増強(electrical muscle srimulation:EMS),④疼痛の抑制(transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation:TENS)などを取り上げ,解説した。最後に従来の電気刺激装置bの機能を併せ持つ随意運動介助型電気刺激装置(integrated volitional control electrical stimulator:IVES)を取り上げ,その作用機序,臨床応用例について解説を加えた。 | |
論文査読とは | 市川熹 | 対話総説 | 書誌:手話学研究 ,2012
“論文査読とは”、 市川 熹 、手話学研究、21巻。pp97-102 (2012.12) | |
感情の二重経路と海馬に着目した不気味の谷発生メカニズムのモデル化の試み | 松居辰則 | 脳感覚ヒト実験感覚心理学認知課題不気味の谷ヒューマンコンピュータインタラクション海馬感情の二重経路 | 書誌: ヒューマンコミュニケーション基礎研究会 ,2013 田和辻可昌, 村松慶一, 小島一晃, 松居辰則:感情の二重経路と海馬に着目した不気味の谷発生メカニズムのモデル化の試み, ヒューマンコミュニケーション基礎研究会2013年8月23日,12 (2013) あらまし ヒューマンコンピュータインタラクションにおいて不気味の谷は重要な課題である.人間は人間に酷似したエージェントを観察する際に,観察初期の段階では人間を観察する場合と類似した知覚処理を行うが,観察 時間が経過するに従って人間を観察する場合とは異なる知覚処理を行うことが実験的に示唆された.このような2つの知覚過程はこれまで感情の二重経路説によってモデル化され,不気味の谷は二つの知覚過程による情報間の齟 齬によって引き起こされると解釈されてきた.本研究では,感情の二重経路に加えて海馬の働きに着目することによって,エージェントに対する不気味さ誘発メカニズムのより詳細なモデル化を試みる. | |
Development of a Handwritten Note-Taking System for the Support of Hard-of-Heari | 畠山卓朗 | 総説ReasonableAccommodationNote-takingDigital PenHard-of-Hearingassistive technology | ||
音声の発話者印象情報の知覚・認知モデル構築 | 菊池英明, 市川熹 | 対話ヒト印象評定情報科学言語学 | 書誌: 電子情報通信学会音声研究会資料 ,2012 “音声の発話者印象情報の知覚・認知モデル構築”、佐藤安里・ 菊池英明・市川 熹,電子情報通信学会音声研究会資料,Vol 111,no.471.SP2012-171, pp.89-94 (2012.3.) 要約 音声は揮発性を持つにも関わらず,円滑な対話が実現されている。それは音声が言語情報の他にプロソディとして,実時間理解を支援する情報や感情体調等の発話者の情報(発話者印象情報)を伝えるためと考える。本研究では聞き手が音声から発話者印象情報を理解する過程(知覚・認知過程)に着目し,モデルへの近似を行った。多様な発話者印象情報を捉えるために,声そのものの情報を共通基盤とした線型結合による3階層モデルを提案し,その実現可能性を検討した。結果本研究の提案する枠組みによって(1)情報のつながりを明確に記述し,(2)表現豊かな音声を捉えるモデルが確認された。 | |
Proposal for the Model of Occurrence of Negative Response toward Humanlike Agent Based on Brain Function by Qualitative Reasoning | 松居辰則 | 脳感覚ヒト実験モデル情報科学感覚心理学認知課題定性表現不気味の谷扁桃体目の形態的特徴 | 書誌: In Proceedings of HCI Internationl(HCII2014), LNCS , 2014 Yoshimasa TAWATSUJI, Keiichi MURAMATSU, Tatsunori MATSUI:Proposal for the Model of Occurrence of Negative Response toward Humanlike Agent Based on Brain Function by Qualitative Reasoning, In Proceedings of HCI Internationl(HCII2014), LNCS Vol. 8511, pp.768-778 (2014) Abstract. For designing the rounded communication between human and agent, humanlike appearance of agent can contribute to human understandability towards their intension. However, the excessive humanlike-ness can cause human to feel repulsive against the agent, which is well known as the uncanny valley. In this study, we propose a model providing an explanation for how the human negative response is fomred, based on the brain regions and its function, including the amygdala, hippocampus, cortex and striatum. This model is described with quantitative reasoning and simulated. The results indicate that as human observes a humanlike agent, the emotion goes negative and the brain regions were more activated in comparison with the case human observes a person. | |
Low-cost 2ch EMG biofeedback device using a stereo microphone port | 村岡慶裕 | 計測法生体生体工学嚥下障害運動学習切断脳卒中 | 書誌:Jpn J Compr Rehabil Sci,2014 Y.Muraoka, A.Ishio, and K.Takeda, 2014. Low-cost 2ch EMG biofeedback device using a stereo microphone port. Jpn J Compr Rehabil Sci, Vol.5,1-6 ABSTRACT Objectives: EMG-BF therapy in rehabilitation clinics requires the installation of an expensive electromyographic biofeedback (EMG-BF) device. However, many medical institutions find it difficult to purchase the device because of the high cost, and so the availability of EMG-BF therapy is limited. This study aimed to develop a low-cost and simply designed EMG-BF device using a stereo microphone port. The device can be easily fabricated even by people without knowledge and skills related to electronics.Methods: The proposed device comprises an EMG amplifier, personal computer (PC) with a microphone port, electrodes, and their cables. The device is designed to be as simple as possible and with minimum components so that medical staff can obtain the required components and easily fabricate the device themselves. Results: The amplifier consists of approximately 20 easily obtained components, and costs approximately 1,600 yen in total. This device can display the voluntary EMG of the extensor carpi radialis and flexor carpi ulnaris muscles in normal adults on a PC screen, enabling the amount of muscle contraction to be identified. Conclusion: This device may help increase the use of EMG-BF therapy, and thus improve the quality of rehabilitation in clinics and homes | |
母子における身体接触遊びの初期発達―遊びの種類とマルチモーダルな時系列構造に着目して―.pdf | 根ヶ山光一 | 発達ヒト実験発達心理学行動観察母子相互作用身体接触遊びマルチモダリティ | 書誌:発達研究,2014 石島このみ・根ヶ山光一(2014)母子における身体接触遊びの初期発達―遊びの種類とマルチモーダルな時系列構造に着目して―,発達研究(査読なし),28,1-12. 要 約 本研究では,母子の身体接触遊び場面においてなされる遊びのタイプとその発達的な差異について,生後半年前後の母子に着目して検討した。その結果,低月齢群ではリズム遊び,高月齢群ではリフト遊びが有意に多くなされていた。次に身体接触遊びにおける文脈の有無について検討を行ったところ,文脈のある身体接触遊びは高月齢群において有意に多くなされていた。さらにそこでの時系列構造に着目すると,やりとりの中に導入や盛り上がりといった文脈が明確に存在していたことが確認され,かつ高月齢の事例では,母親が盛り上がりの前に動きを停止させて「間」をつくり,同時に乳児も身体の動きを停止させるとともに母親の顔に視線をシフトさせるなどして,母子が文脈に沿ってマルチモーダルに行動を調律し合っている様相が示された。そうした日常において自然になされる文脈のある身体接触遊びが,乳児の予期や予測,萌芽的な意図の読み取りといった社会性の発達を支えている可能性がある。 | |
先天性盲ろう乳幼児の保護者が養育時に抱える困難に関する研究 | 畠山卓朗 | 障害ヒト調査障害科学盲ろうインタビュー保護者幼児 | 書誌:日本感性工学会論文誌 ,2013
先天性盲ろう乳幼児の保護者が養育時に抱える困難に関する研究,熊田華恵・土井幸輝・杉中拓央,中澤惠江・ 畠山卓朗・中川辰雄,日本感性工学会論文誌,Vol.12,No.4,537-543,2013 Abstract: Children with deafblindness have impairments in both vision and hearing. However, owing to the low incidence of this disability, few programs have been implemented to address the unique learning needs of these infants and toddlers and the specific concerns of their families. The majority of such children have additional problems, such as physical disabilities and/or medical disorders. Thus, infants and toddlers with deafblindness and their families are in urgent need of a suitable support program. For development of the affective support program, we identified the parent’s obstacles nurturing congenital deafblind infants and toddlers. Concretely, we conducted an interview survey to parents of infants and toddlers with deafblindness by reminiscing back to upbringing time. The survey revealed that such parents have difficulties related to the evaluation of their children’s acuity of vision and hearing, communication with family members, and lack of information about nurturing infants and toddlers with deafblindness. | |
非致死的トラウマ経験者における想起視点と臨床症状及びディタッチト・マインドフルネスとの関連 | 熊野宏昭 | 疾患特性行動ヒト調査臨床心理学質問紙トラウマ回避想起視点再体験症状ディタッチト・マインドフルネス | 書誌: 早稲田大学臨床心理学研究 ,2013
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母語(日本語)獲得と年長園児の話者交替タイミング | 市川熹 | 対話ヒト実験発達心理学言語学行動観察 | 書誌:日本音響学会2014秋季研究発表会予稿集,2014
“母語(日本語)獲得と年長園児の話者交替タイミング”、 市川熹 、日本音響学会2014秋季研究発表会予稿集、3-Q-11 (2014,9) | |
中学生におけるディタッチト・マインドフルネスの機能が抑うつの持続要因となる反芻に及ぼす影響 | 熊野宏昭 | 疾患特性行動ヒト調査臨床心理学質問紙抑うつ注意制御機能中学生反芻ディタッチト・マインドフルネス | ☆
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演技指示の工夫が与える音声表現への影響 ―表現豊かな演技音声表現の獲得を目指して― | 菊池英明 | 対話ヒト印象評定言語学質問紙データ収集音響統計分析パラ言語情報 | 書誌: 音声研 究 , 2013 宮島 崇浩, 菊池 英明, 白井 克彦, 大川 茂樹, "演技指示の工夫が与える 音声表現への影響 ―表現豊かな演技音声表現の獲得を目指して―", 音声研 究,vol.17, no.3, pp.10-23, 2013.
SUMMARY: This paper explains the procedure to enhance the expressiveness in acted speech. We designed our own “format of acting script” referring to the theory of drama and created 280 acting scripts. We presented these acting scripts as acting directions to three actresses and collected 840 speech data. For comparison, using typical emotional words as acting directions, we also collected 160 speech data from each actress. Then, we compared tendencies of various features of each data type and each speaker and found that our acting scripts are effective on the enhancement of expressiveness in acted speech psychologically/acoustically. | |
Experimental Study Toward | 松居辰則 | 感覚ヒト実験感覚心理学認知課題視線計測不気味の谷顔感情の二重経路 | 書誌: In Proceedings of HCI Internationl(HCII2013), LNCS , 2013 Yoshimasa TAWATSUJI, Kazuaki KOJIMA, Tatsunori MATSUI: Experimental Study Toward Modeling of the Uncanny Valley Based on Eye Movements on Human/Non-human Faces, In Proceedings of HCI Internationl(HCII2013), LNCS Vol. 8007, pp.398-407 (2013) Abstract.In the research field of human-agent interaction, it is a crucial issue to clarify the effect of agent appearances on human impressions. The uncanny valley is one crucial topic. We hypothesize that people can perceive a humanlike agent as human at an earlier stage in interaction even if they finally notice it as non-human and such contradictory perceptions are related to the uncanny valley. We conducted an experiment where participants were asked to judge whether faces presented on a PC monitor were human or not. The faces were a doll, a CG-modeled human image fairly similar to real human, an android robot, another image highly similar and a person. Eyes of the participants were recorded during watching the faces and changes in observing the faces were studied. The results indicate that eye data did not initially differ between the person and CG fairly similar, whereas differences emerged after several seconds. We then proposed a model of the uncanny valley based on dual pathway of emotion. | |
非母語話者の音声対話における話者交替 | 市川熹 | 社会ヒト実験言語学質問紙話者交替非母語話者言語獲得 | 書誌:電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 . WIT, 福祉情報工学,2011 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 . WIT, 福祉情報工学 111(226), 67-72, 2011-09-29 大川 万里子, 大橋 浩輝, 市川 熹 Abstract: Overlapping speech frequently occurs in the dialogues between native speakers. According to previous studies on Japanese or English dialogues, the frequency of overlapping speech is over 40 percent in the Maptask corpus. We assume that the frequency of overlaps is related to the smooth conversation. We analyzed the two types of Japanese dialogues: between a non-native (Chinese) and a native speaker, and between non-native speakers. We except that non-native speakers' utterances would overlap less often than native speakers' ones because a preceding speaker has difficulty predicting when does a following speaker begin utterances in non-native language. As a result, contrary to our expectation, the frequency of overlaps in the Japanese dialogues between a non-native speaker and a native speaker is larger than that between native speakers. | |
三次元磁気式位置計測システムを用いた簡易歩行分析法のための基礎的検討 | 村岡慶裕 | 計測法運動ヒト実験生体工学障害科学行動観察歩行分析臨床計測歩行異常運動制御脳卒中 | 書誌: 総合リハビリテーショ ン ,2014 石尾晶代、村岡慶裕、大見香織、2014、三次元磁気式位置計測システムを用いた簡易歩行分析 法のための基礎的検討、総合リハビリテーショ ン、Vol.8, 775-780 | |
Specifications of an electromyogram-driven neuromuscular stimulator for upper limb functional recovery, | 村岡慶裕 | システム開発生体工学電気刺激神経可塑性運動学習脳卒中ダイアック上肢 | 書誌: Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc , 2013 Y.Muraoka, S.Tanabe, T.Yamaguchi, and K.Takeda. 2013, Specifications of an electromyogram-driven neuromuscular stimulator for upper limb functional recovery, Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc,2013, July.3-7, Osaka, 277-280 AbstractAn electromyogram (EMG)-driven neuromuscular stimulator for upper limb functional recovery (Muraoka et al., 1998) can stimulate target muscles in proportion to the amount of voluntary EMG of the identical target muscles. Furthermore, it can facilitate the contraction of paralyzed muscles by electrical stimulation at subthreshold intensity level. Although it has been suggested that to use the stimulator for as long a time as possible might be needed for more effective treatment, the utilization time was limited by the size of the stimulator, which involved a laptop personal computer. To use in daily life, the device was improved to be a smaller size of 95×65×40 mm (including batteries) which was equivalent to a mobile phone (in 2002). The stimulator was called the Integrated Volitional-control Electrical Stimulator (IVES). IVES has already been manufactured and its use has spread in Japan since 2008. Nowadays, therapy using IVES is an effective therapy to improve the motor function of the upper limb in post-stroke patients with hemiparesis. However, the signal processing and internal structure of IVES has not yet been reported. In this study the device specification of IVES is described, especially its electrical circuits and signal processing that detect voluntary EMG and stimulate from the same electrodes. IVES uses two DIACs for detecting voluntary EMG from stimulating electrodes. The DIACs switch passively between the stimulation circuit and the EMG amplifier circuit. Furthermore, the signal processing of the time-shifted difference of the 2-cycle EMG signal following identical stimulation pulses eliminates stimulation artifacts and evoked potentials, and extracts voluntary EMG. | |
Perceptual Magnet Effectと感情の二重経路説の統合による不気味の谷発生メカニズムモデルの提案 | 松居辰則 | 総説感情の二重経路不気味の谷Perceptual Magnet Effect | 書誌: 第68回先進的学習科学と工学研究会 , 2013 田和辻可昌, 小島一晃, 松居辰則:Perceptual Magnet Effectと感情の二重経路説の統合による不気味の谷発生メカニズムモデルの提案, 第68回先進的学習科学と工学研究会 (2013) Abstract:In the research eld of Human-Computer Interaction, the uncanny valley is a critical issue in designing an appropriate appearance of a humanlike agent. Although human familiarity toward an agent increases as the agent gets more similar to human, it drastically decreases to the bottom of a valley when the agent is considerably similar to real human. We proposed a model of the uncanny valley, based on dual-pathway of emotion and hippocampus. In this study we provide an explanation of the relationships between our model and the other model based on perceptual magnet effect. In the results, our model provides a functional explanation for the part of the model behind the uncanny valley based on perceptual magnet effect. | |
Real-Time Changes in Corticospinal Excitability during Voluntary Contraction with Concurrent Electrical Stimulation. | 村岡慶裕 | 生体ヒト実験生体工学筋電電気刺激TMSMEP運動イメージ | 書誌: PLoS One , 2012 T. Yamaguchi, K. Sugawara K, S. Tanaka, N. Yoshida, K. Saito, S. Tanabe, Y. Muraoka, and M. Liu, 2012. Real-Time Changes in Corticospinal Excitability during Voluntary Contraction with Concurrent Electrical Stimulation. PLoS One, Vol.7, No.9, e46122 Abstract While previous studies have assessed changes in corticospinal excitability following voluntary contraction coupled with electrical stimulation (ES), we sought to examine, for the first time in the field, real-time changes in corticospinal excitability. We monitored motor evoked potentials (MEPs) elicited by transcranial magnetic stimulation and recorded the MEPs using a mechanomyogram, which is less susceptible to electrical artifacts. We assessed the MEPs at each level of muscle contraction of wrist flexion (0%, 5%, or 20% of maximum voluntary contraction) during voluntary wrist flexion (flexor carpi radialis (FCR) voluntary contraction), either with or without simultaneous low-frequency (10 Hz) ES of the median nerve that innervates the FCR. The stimulus intensity corresponded to 1.26perception threshold. In the FCR, voluntary contraction with median nerve stimulation significantly increased corticospinal excitability compared with FCR voluntary contraction without median nerve stimulation (p,0.01). In addition, corticospinal excitability was significantly modulated by the level of FCR voluntary contraction. In contrast, in the extensor carpi radialis (ECR), FCR voluntary contraction with median nerve stimulation significantly decreased corticospinal excitability compared with FCR voluntary contraction without median nerve stimulation (p,0.05). Thus, median nerve stimulation during FCR voluntary contraction induces reciprocal changes in cortical excitability in agonist and antagonist muscles. Finally we also showed that even mental imagery of FCR voluntary contraction with median nerve stimulation induced the same reciprocal changes in cortical excitability in agonist and antagonist muscles. Our results support the use of voluntary contraction coupled with ES in neurorehabilitation therapy for patients. |