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重点領域報告(嶋田).pdf嶋田洋徳, 重点領域報告

The Effect of Fastball Backspin Rate on Baseball Hitting Accuracy彼末一之運動ヒト実験行動観察pitch trajectorybatting performanceball spin rate

書誌:   Journal of Applied Biomechanics , 2012

T. Higuchi, J. Morohoshi, T. Nagami, H. Nakata, and K. Kanosue (2012). Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 29(3):279-84.


The effectiveness of fastballs of equivalent speed can differ; for example, one element of this difference could be due to the effect of rate and orientation of ball spin on launched ball trajectory. In the present experiment, baseball batters’ accuracy in hitting fastballs with different backspin rates at a constant ball velocity of 36 m/s was examined. Thirteen skilled baseball players (professionals, semiprofessionals, and college varsity players) participated in the study. The movements of bat and ball were recorded using two synchronized high-speed video cameras. The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient (r) was calculated and used to analyze the relationship between ball backspin rate and the vertical distance between ball center and sweet spot at the moment of ball-bat impact. Ball backspin rate was positively correlated with increases in the distance from the optimal contact point of the swung bat (sweet spot) to the actual point of contact (r = .38, P < .001).  Batters were most effective at the usual backspin rate for the ball velocity used. The decrease in accuracy of the batter’s swing that was observed when the fastball’s backspin deviated from the usual rate likely occurred because experienced batters predict ball trajectory from perceived ball speed.

Keywords: ball spin rate, batting performance, pitch trajectory

研究所員分担内容_齋藤.pdf斉藤美穂, 研究分担内容

研究所員分担内容_正木.pdf正木宏明, 研究分担内容

Relationship between cognitive factors and anxiety in individuals with irritable bowel syndrome嶋田洋徳, 野村忍生体リズム行動ヒト実験臨床心理学質問紙cognitive factoranxietyirritable bowel syndrome

書誌:   Int.J. Behav. Med , 2012

Sugaya N,Nomura S.& Shimada H.(2012).  Int.J. Behav. Med.19:308–315. DOI 10.1007/s12529-011-9195-0

Abstract Background Individuals with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) have high anxiety. There is insufficient information about the relationships between concrete cognitive contents and anxiety in IBS. Purpose The present study investigated the relationship between cognitive factors and anxiety in individuals with IBS. Method The participants were 1,087 college students (male, 506; female, 576; unidentified, 5; age, 19.72±1.76 years) who completed a set of questionnaires that included the Rome II Modular Questionnaire (based on diagnostic criteria for IBS), Anxiety Sensitivity Index (ASI), Cognitive Appraisal Rating Scale (CARS; subscales: commitment, appraisal of effect, appraisal of threat, and controllability) for measuring symptom-related cognition, an item about attention to abdominal symptoms, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale-Anxiety Scale (HADS-A), and an item regarding the presence of avoidant behavior due to anxiety of IBS symptoms. Results The participants included 881 individuals without IBS and 206 individuals with IBS. Individuals with IBS had higher ASI and HADS-A scores than those of the individuals belonging to the control group (p<0.001). Subscale scores of CARS (except those of controllability and attention to IBS symptoms) significantly correlated with the ASI and HADS-A scores (p<0.01). Individuals with IBS and avoidant behavior had higher subscale scores of CARS (except those of controllability and attention to IBS symptoms) and higher HADS-A scores (p<0.05). The hypothetical models containing ASI scores, subscale scores of CARS (except those of controllability), and HADS-A scores with and without attention to IBS symptoms exhibited a good fit. Conclusion Severe anxiety sensitivity in individuals with IBS related to their symptom-related cognition, and the altered cognition increases anxiety, leading to the possible development of a disabling condition. Keywords Irritable bowel syndrome . Cognitive factor. Anxiety 

確率共振現象による海馬CA1ニューロンモデルでの情報伝送の強化:雑音の付加位置および周波数スペクトルに関する検討百瀬桂子モデル神経科学1/fb ノイズシミュレーション情報レート確率共振現象Hodgkin-Huxley 型モデルショット雑音


川 口  港・簑 弘 幸・百瀬 桂子・Dominique M. DURAND.(2011), 確率共振現象による海馬CA1ニューロンモデルでの情報伝送の強化:雑音の付加位置および周波数スペクトルに関する検討, 生体医工学, 49(1), 176-184.


Stochastic resonance (SR) is a phenomenon whereby detection of sub-threshold signal is improved by additive background noise in nonlinear systems. It has been unclear how this phenomenon is affected by the characteristics of background noise. In this paper, we investigate the effects of background noise characteristics on information transmission in a realistic hippocampal CA1 neuron model, i. e., the effect of input locations of the background noise and the influence of power spectra of the background noise. Using the computer simulation, the random sub-threshold input signal generated by a filtered homogeneous Poisson process was applied to a distal portion of the apical dendrite, while the background noise having a 1 f b (b = 0, 1, 2) power spectrum generated by a fractional integration was further applied to a variable location to investigate the effects of background noise input location on information transmission. Our results showed that SR was observed as the information rate reached a maximum value for optimal noise amplitude. The results also showed that the background noise input location and the coefficient b did not alter the maximum information rate generated by SR. The noise amplitude required to the maximum information rate increased when the noise input location was set at distal or the coefficient b was approached to zero from two. It is concluded that the variance of the noise having a frequency component of less than 200 Hz can play a key role in the information processing of sub-threshold signal transmission in the hippocampus.


書誌: 乳幼児医学・心理学研究 , 2013

乳幼児医学・心理学研究 22(1), 1-8, 2013 日本乳幼児医学・心理学会


うつ病患者のうつ症状と社会適応状態に関連する要因の検討ー自動思考とストレス対処方略及び社会的スキルを関連要因としてー鈴木伸一, 嶋田洋徳疾患特性行動ヒト調査臨床心理学質問紙職場復帰社会的機能うつ病社会適応状態心理的要因

書誌:   行動療法研究 , 2010

田上 明日香, 伊藤 大輔, 大野 真由子, 白井 麻理, 嶋田 洋徳, 鈴木 伸一. (2010).  行動療法研究, 36(2),95-106. 要 約  本研究の目的は、うつ病の治療において、うつ症状とともに評価が必要とされている社会的機能に着目し、うつ症状と社会的機能に関連する心理的要因を明らかにすることである。単極性のうつ病と診断された 66名を対象に、自動思考尺度( ATQ-R )、対処方略尺度( TAC)、ソーシャルスキル尺度( KISS)、うつ症状尺度(BDI- II)、社会適応状態尺度( SASS)を実施した。その結果、うつ症状に対しては、“自己に対する非難”が関連していたが、社会適応状態には“肯定的思考’ Pと“肯定的解釈と気そらし”“社会的スキル”が関連しており、うつ症状と社会適応状態では関連する要因が異なることが示唆された。これらのことから、うつ病患者への支援においては、うつ症状だけでなく社会適応状態に関連する要因を検討する必要性が議論され最後に本研究の限界について述べられた。キーワード:社会的機能 社会適応状態 職場復帰 心理的要因 うつ病患者 

研究所員分担内容_内田.pdf内田直, 研究分担内容

研究所員分担内容_熊野.pdf熊野宏昭, 研究分担内容

研究所員分担内容_嶋田.pdf研究分担内容, 嶋田洋徳




市川 熹

Abstract : This paper proposes methods of easing the mental work load of the elderly people and disabled person who are the users of a support dialogue system under disaster conditions.

Keyword : Dialogue Language ,Mental Work Load,Elderly People ,Person with Disability, Disaster

Dynamic Visual Acuity in Baseball Players is Due to Superior Tracking Abilities彼末一之運動ヒト実験運動生理学行動観察baseballtracking abilitydynamic visual acuity

書誌:   Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise ,2012

Y. Uchida, D. Kudoh, T Higuchi, M. Honda, and K. Kanosue (2012).  Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 45(2):319-25.


Purpose: Dynamic visual acuity (DVA) is defined as the ability to discriminate the fine parts of a moving object. DVA is generally better in baseball players than that in nonplayers. Although the better DVA of baseball players has been attributed to a better ability to track moving objects, it might be derived from the ability to perceive an object even in the presence of a great distance between the image on the retina and the fovea (retinal error). However, the ability to perceive moving visual stimuli has not been compared between baseball players and nonplayers. Methods: To clarify this, we quantitatively measured abilities of eye movement and visual perception using moving Landolt C rings in baseball players and nonplayers. Results: Baseball players could achieve high DVA with significantly faster eye movement at shorter latencies than nonplayers. There was no difference in the ability to perceive moving object’s images projected onto the retina between baseball players and nonplayers. Conclusions: These results suggest that the better DVA of baseball players is primarily due to a better ability to track moving objects with their eyes rather than to improved perception of moving images on the retina. This skill is probably obtained through baseball training.

Key words: DVA, Sports vision, Saccade, Retinal error

研究所員分担内容_松居.pdf松居辰則, 研究分担内容


書誌:Depression Frontier,2011

Depression Frontier ,  2011 Vol.9 No.2,  P66 ~ 71

今井正司 (Shoji Imai)熊野宏昭 (Hiroaki Kumano) 

本稿は,抑うつ症状に対して認知行動療法(CognitiveBehaviorTherapy:CBT)を行ううえで重要な変数となる注意制御機能の特徴について概括し,注意制御機能を向上する技法(注意訓練;AttentionTraining:ATT)をCBTに取り入れることの有用性について論じた。ATTが CBTの効果を増強する作用については,CBTの妨害要因である「反証しようと思ってもネガティブなことに気がいってしまう」という受動的注意制御と,確証型認知的対処の問題を改善する効果を ATTが有していることについて,実証研究を紹介しながら論考した。   

単身高齢者の社会的交流に関する住意識調査-その2 東日本大震災後における交流変容-小島隆矢社会ヒト調査社会学質問紙構造方程式モデリング意識調査マズローの欲求階層説高齢者向け住宅社会的交流東日本大震災

書誌:日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集 ,2013

Decreased response inhibition in middle-aged male parients with type 2 diabetes熊野宏昭疾患特性行動ヒト実験神経心理学身体医学認知課題response inhibitionprefrontal cortextype 2 diabetesGo/Nogo task

書誌:   BioPsychoSocial Medicine ,2010

Ishizawa et al. BioPsychoSocial Medicine 2010, 4:1 http://www.bpsmedicine.com/content/4/1/1

Kaya T Ishizawa , Hiroaki Kumano , Atsushi Sato , Hiroshi Sakura, Yasuhiko Iwamoto

Abstract Background: This study was performed to examine whether patients with type 2 diabetes have cognitive deficitsassociated with the prefrontal cortex (PFC). Methods: Twenty-seven middle-aged patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes and 27 healthy controlsunderwent physical measurements and neuropsychological tasks. Response inhibition, reward prediction, andexecutive function were assessed by the Go/NoGo task, the reversal and extinction tasks, and the Wisconsin CardSorting Test (WCST). To examine the interactions of being overweight with diabetes on cognitive performance,performance data were analysed by two-way ANCOVA with diabetes and overweight as factors and age as acovariate. Results: Patients with type 2 diabetes showed significantly decreased response inhibition in the Go/NoGo task(discriminability index: P = 0.001). There was an interaction of being overweight with diabetes on reaction time inthe Go trials of the Go/NoGo task (P = 0.009). Being overweight was related to retained responses to thepresentiment of reward in the extinction task (P = 0.029). The four groups showed normal cognitive performancein the WCST. Conclusions: Our results showed that middle-aged, newly diagnosed and medication-free patients with type 2diabetes have a particular neuropsychological deficit in inhibitory control of impulsive response, which is anindependent effect of diabetes apart from being overweight.

Effects of depression on reward-based decsion making and variability of action in probabilistic learning鈴木伸一疾患特性ヒト実験神経心理学臨床心理学質問紙認知課題reinforcement learningdepressionvariability of action selectionreward sensitivityprobabilistic learningdecision making

書誌:   J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry ,2012

Yoshihiko Kunisato, Yasumasa Okamoto, Kazutaka Ueda, Keiichi Onoda, Go Okada, Shinpei Yoshimura, Shin-ichi Suzuki, Kazuyuki Samejima, Shigeto Yamawaki. (2012), Effects of depression on reward-based decision making and variability of action in probabilistic learning. J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry, 43(4), 1088-1094.

Abstract Background and objectives: Depression is characterized by low reward sensitivity in behavioral studies applying signal detection theory. We examined deficits in reward-based decision making in depressed participants during a probabilistic learning task, and used a reinforcement learning model to examine learning parameters during the task. Methods: Thirty-six nonclinical undergraduates completed a probabilistic selection task. Participants were divided into depressed and non-depressed groups based on Center for Epidemiologic Studies eDepression (CES-D) cut scores. We then applied a reinforcement learning model to every participant’s behavioral data. Results: Depressed participants showed a reward-based decision making deficit and higher levels of the learning parameter s, which modulates variability of action selection, as compared to non-depressed participants. Highly variable action selection is more random and characterized by difficulties with selecting a specific course of action. Conclusion: These results suggest that depression is characterized by deficits in reward-based decision making as well as high variability in terms of action selection.

Self-sustained circadian rhythm in cultured human mononuclear cells isolated from peripheral blood柴田重信生体リズムヒト実験遺伝学神経科学時間生物学遺伝情報clock genesPer2mononuclear cellsluciferaseself-sustained circadian rhythmhuman circadian rhythm

書誌: Neuroscience Research , 2010

Neuroscience Research 66 (2010) 223–227

Takashi Ebisawa, Kahori Numazawa, Hiroko Shimada, Hiroyuki Izutsu, Tsukasa Sasaki, Nobumasa Kato, Katsushi Tokunaga, Akio Mori, Ken-ichi Honma, Sato Honma, Shigenobu Shibata

Disturbed circadian rhythmicity is associated with human diseases such as sleep and mood disorders. However, study of human endogenous circadian rhythm is laborious and time-consuming, which hampers the elucidation of diseases. It has been reported that peripheral tissues exhibit circadian rhythmicity as the suprachiasmatic nucleus—the center of the biological clock. We tried to study human circadian rhythm using cultured peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) obtained from a single collection of venous blood. Activated human PBMCs showed self-sustained circadian rhythm of clock gene expression, which indicates that they are useful for investigating human endogenous circadian rhythm. 

重点領域報告(榊原).pdf榊原伸一, 重点領域報告