タイトル | 著者 | タグ | 概要 | |
研究所員分担内容_竹中.pdf | 研究分担内容, 竹中晃二 | |||
Food and Longevity Genes. In: Watson RR and Preedy VR (eds.) | 千葉卓哉 | 総説遺伝学分子生物学neuropeptide Ycalorie restrictionstress responsegrowth hormone | ☆書誌:本,2013
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研究所員分担内容_根ヶ山.pdf | 根ヶ山光一, 研究分担内容 | |||
The effects of attention retraining on depressive mood and cortisol responses to depression-related stimuli | 嶋田洋徳 | 疾患特性ヒト実験臨床心理学認知課題dotprobe taskdepressionattentional biascortisolホルモンattention retraining | 書誌: Japanese Psychological Research , 2012 TSUMURA, H., SHIMADA, H., NOMURA, K., SUGAYA, N. and SUZUKI, K. (2012). Japanese Psychological Research, 54: 400–411. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-5884.2012.00523.x Abstract: Although it has been reported that attentional bias at an early stage is found in depression, no study has investigated the effects of modification of attentional bias at an early stage on depressive mood and cortisol response to a stressor. Therefore, this study tested the hypotheses that the modification of attentional bias at an early stage would reduce depressive mood and cortisol response. Fifty-three participants were allocated alternately either to the training or the control group. They were administered attention retraining for modification of attentional bias or a sham attention task, and then underwent a stress task. With respect to depressive mood response, depressive mood increased in response to a stress task in the control group, while for high-dysphoric participants in the training group, depressive mood response remained constant. These results indicate that attention retraining is efficacious for reducing depressive mood response. With respect to cortisol response, the percentage change in cortisol is associated with the amount of change in the attentional bias index scores. The results suggest the possibility that attention retraining could reduce cortisol response.Key words: attentional bias, attention retraining, depressive mood, cortisol, dot probe task. | |
技術サポートのためのポインティングデバイス操作の可視化 | 畠山卓朗 | ヒト障害科学単一事例研究その他(方法:データ収集)支援技術肢体不自由コンピュータアクセシビリティ | 書誌: 第28回リハ工学カンファレンス講演予稿集,2013 渡辺崇史・畠山卓朗・富板充・奥山俊博・手島教之(2013), 第28回リハ工学カンファレンス講演予稿集, 169-170. | |
Effects of Medial Hypothalamic Lesions on Feeding-Induced Entrainment of Locomotor Activity and Liver Per2 Expression in Per2::luc Mice | 柴田重信 | 生体リズムマウス実験遺伝学時間生物学遺伝情報Per2liverfeeding rhythmsuprachiasmatic nucleusdorsomedial hypothalamusfood anticipatory activityclock gene | 書誌: J Biol Rhythms,2010 J Biol Rhythms. 2010 Feb;25(1):9-18. Tahara Y1, Hirao A, Moriya T, Kudo T, Shibata S. Abstract Restricted feeding induces anticipatory activity rhythm and also entrains the peripheral circadian clocks, although the underlying brain mechanisms have not been fully elucidated. The dorsomedial hypothalamus (DMH) has been implicated in the regulation of restricted feeding–induced anticipatory activity rhythms (FAA), but the role of the DMH in restricted feeding– induced entrainment of peripheral circadian clocks is still unknown. In the present study, the role of the DMH in entrainment of the peripheral circadian clock was examined using Per2::luciferase knock-in mice. The results indicate that lesions that destroy the large mediobasal hypothalamic (MBH) lesions destroying the DMH, ventrolateral hypothalamus (VMH), and arcuate nucleus (ARC) significantly reduce daily locomotor activity rhythms and FAA formation. In addition, these lesions phase advanced the peak of liver Per2 expression by 2 h when compared to sham-operated mice. Following the administration of MBH lesions, the animals run less and start later in the restricted feeding– induced FAA rhythm but do not have any alterations in the restricted feeding– induced phase shift of the liver Per2 rhythm. These results demonstrate that the hypothalamus, including the MBH, is an important brain area for maintaining the locomotor rhythm and FAA formation. However, it is not necessary for restricted feeding–induced entrainment of the liver clock. Key words : food anticipatory activity, clock gene, feeding rhythm, liver, dorsomedial hypothalamus, suprachiasmatic nucleus | |
お笑い劇場の利用様態に関する研究- その2 利用者が劇場周辺環境に求めるニーズ - | 小島隆矢 | 社会ヒト調査社会学質問紙構造方程式モデリング周辺環境クラスター分析多変量分散分析お笑い劇場鑑賞前後 | 書誌:日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集 ,2013 | |
原発事故避難者の心理・社会的健康~埼玉県における調査から~ | 熊野宏昭, 辻内琢也 | 行動社会ヒト調査臨床心理学社会学質問紙 | 書誌:Depression Frontier ,2012
辻内琢也, 山口摩弥, 増田和高, 永友春華, 山下奏, 南雲四季子, 粟野早貴, 伊藤康文, 鈴木勝己, 加瀬裕子, 熊野宏昭, 猪股正 (2012).Depression Frontier. Vol.10 No.2. 本研究は,震災より1年が経過した時期に,震災支援ネットワーク埼玉(SSN)と早稲田大学人間科学孝術院が協働して作成したアンケートを,埼玉県内において避難生活を送る福島県民2011世帯に対して行った大規模調査の解析である。生活費の心配が65.7%の世帯にあり,ローンを30.4%が抱え,貯蓄が5.9%に無く,震災による失業者が41.2%おり,体調についての心配を75.5%がしており,継続的な治療が必要な持病を抱える世帯が63.5%であった。心理的ストレス反応尺度(SRS-18)や改訂出来事インパクト尺度(IES-R)によって明らかにされた原発事故避難者の極めて高いストレスを改善させるためには,「心理的ケア」のみならず,雇用の促進,生活費の安定,コミュニティーの再構築,ソーシャルサポートの確立,放射線被曝問題への対処,といった社会的問題の解決をはかる「社会的ケア」が必須である。 | |
研究所員分担内容_辻内.pdf | 研究分担内容, 辻内琢也 | |||
Mild hypohydration induced by exercise in the heat attenuates autonomic thermoregulatory responses to the heat, but not thermal pleasantness in humans | 永島計 | ヒト実験運動生理学thermal pleasantnessexercisebehavioral thermoregulationhyperosmolalitythermal perception体温hypohydration | 書誌: Physiology & Behavior ,2010 Physiology & Behavior 100 (2010) 340–345 Ken Tokizawa, Saki Yasuhara, Mayumi Nakamura, Yuki Uchida ,Larry I. Crawshaw, Kei Nagashima Hypohydration caused by exercise in the heat attenuates autonomic thermoregulation such as sweating andskin blood flow in humans. In contrast, it remains unknown if behavioral thermoregulation is modulatedduring hypohydration. We assume that thermal unpleasantness could drive the behavioral response, andwould also be modulated during hypohydration. Nine healthy young men participated in the present study.Body and skin temperatures were monitored. Ratings of thermal sensation and pleasantness wereconducted. After ∼ 45 min rest at 27 °C, they performed 50-min cycling exercise, which was at the level of40% of heart rate range at 35 °C (hypohydration trial) or at the level of 10% of heart rate range at 23 °C(control trial), respectively. Subjects returned to the rest at 27 °C, and the ambient temperature was thenchanged from 22 to 38 °C. Body weight decreased by 0.9 ±0.1% immediately after exercise in thehypohydration trial and 0.3 ±0.1% in the control trial. In the cold, no significant difference in thermalsensation or pleasantness was observed between trials. There was no significant difference in thermalpleasantness between trials in the heat, although thermal sensation in the heat (32.5–36 °C) wassignificantly lower in the hypohydration trial than in the control trial. In addition, laser Doppler flow ofthe skin and sweat rate were attenuated in the heat in the hypohydration trial. These results may indicatethat mild hypohydration after exercise in the heat has no influence on behavioral responses to the heat. | |
研究所員分担内容_東.pdf | 研究分担内容, 東玲奈 | |||
Attenuated Food Anticipatory Activity and Abnormal Circadian Locomotor Rhythms in Rgs16 Knockdown Mice | 柴田重信 | 生体リズムマウス実験遺伝学時間生物学神経科学遺伝情報animal behaviorPer2gene expressioncircadian rhythmscircadian oscillatorsmouse modelsthalamusRNA extractionG-protein signaling | 書誌: PLoS ONE ,2011 PLoS ONE www.plosone.org March 2011, Volume 6, Issue 3, e17655 Naoto Hayasaka, Kazuyuki Aoki, Saori Kinoshita, Shoutaroh Yamaguchi, John K. Wakefield,Sachiyo Tsuji-Kawahara, Kazumasa Horikawa, Hiroshi Ikegami, Shigeharu Wakana, Takamichi Murakami, Ram Ramabhadran, Masaaki Miyazawa, Shigenobu Shibata Abstract Regulators of G protein signaling (RGS) are a multi-functional protein family, which functions in part as GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) of G protein a-subunits to terminate G protein signaling. Previous studies have demonstrated that the Rgs16 transcripts exhibit robust circadian rhythms both in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), the master circadian lightentrainable oscillator (LEO) of the hypothalamus, and in the liver. To investigate the role of RGS16 in the circadian clock in vivo, we generated two independent transgenic mouse lines using lentiviral vectors expressing short hairpin RNA (shRNA) targeting the Rgs16 mRNA. The knockdown mice demonstrated significantly shorter free-running period of locomotor activity rhythms and reduced total activity as compared to the wild-type siblings. In addition, when feeding was restricted during the daytime, food-entrainable oscillator (FEO)-driven elevated food-anticipatory activity (FAA) observed prior to the scheduled feeding time was significantly attenuated in the knockdown mice. Whereas the restricted feeding phaseadvanced the rhythmic expression of the Per2 clock gene in liver and thalamus in the wild-type animals, the above phase shift was not observed in the knockdown mice. This is the first in vivo demonstration that a common regulator of G protein signaling is involved in the two separate, but interactive circadian timing systems, LEO and FEO. The present study also suggests that liver and/or thalamus regulate the food-entrained circadian behavior through G protein-mediated signal transduction pathway(s). | |
外傷後ストレス障害に対する認知行動療法の効果ーメタ分析を用いた検証ー | 鈴木伸一 | 疾患特性ヒト臨床心理学メタ分析外傷後ストレス障害認知行動療法効果検証 | 書誌:行動療法研究,2010 伊藤 大輔・兼子 唯・小関 俊祐・清水 悠・中澤 佳奈子・田上明日香・大月 友・鈴木 伸一(2010), 外傷後ストレス障害に対する認知行動療法の効果ーメタ分析を用いた検証ー, 行動療法研究, 36(2),119-129 要 約 本研究の目的は、近年の外傷後ストレス障害(PTSD)に対する認知行動療法の効果をメタ分析に よって検証することと、PTSDの効果研究に関する今後の検討課題を明らかにすることであった。メタ分析の結果、PTSDに対する認知行動療法の有効性が明らかにされ、その適用範囲も拡張しつつあるこ とが示された。さらに、今後の課題として、(1)対象者の症状プロフィールや状態像を考慮した介入法 の検討を行うこと、(2)薬物療法と認知行動療法を組み合わせた際の効果について検証すること、(3)治療効果に作用する治療技法および要因を特定し、効率的かつ適切な介入法を検討すること、(4)治療 効果に影響を及ぼす治療技法以外の要因について検討すること、などが指摘された。 | |
Effect of Hopping Frequency on Bilateral Differences in Leg Stiffness | 彼末一之 | 運動ヒト実験運動生理学行動観察spring–mass modellimb dominancelower extemity | 書誌: Journal of Applied Biomechanics ,2012 H. Hobara, Inoue K, and Kanosue K. (2012). Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 29, 55-60. Abstract Understanding the degree of leg stiffness during human movement would provide important information that may be used for injury prevention. In the current study, we investigated bilateral differences in leg stiffness during one-legged hopping. Ten male participants performed one-legged hopping in place, matching metronome beats at 1.5, 2.2, and 3.0 Hz. Based on a spring-mass model, we calculated leg stiffness, which is defined as the ratio of maximal ground reaction force to maximum center of mass displacement at the middle of the stance phase, measured from vertical ground reaction force. In all hopping frequency settings, there was no significant difference in leg stiffness between legs. Although not statistically significant, asymmetry was the greatest at 1.5 Hz, followed by 2.2 and 3.0 Hz for all dependent variables. Furthermore, the number of subjects with an asymmetry greater than the 10% criterion was larger at 1.5 Hz than those at 2.2 and 3.0 Hz. These results will assist in the formulation of treatment-specific training regimes and rehabilitation programs for lower extremity injuries. Keywords: lower extremity, spring-mass model, limb dominance | |
電動ベッド臥位姿勢環境における単指でのポインティングデバイス操作の特徴 | 畠山卓朗 | 障害システム開発ヒト実験障害科学生体工学行動観察臥位姿勢コンピュータアクセシビリティ支援技術ポインティングデバイス肢体不自由者 | 書誌:ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌,2013 渡辺崇史・畠山卓朗・冨板 充・奥山俊博・手嶋教之(2013), ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌, 15(3),271-280 Abstract The purpose of this work was to characterize the pointing device operations with a single finger in supine position on an adjustable bed in order to improve assistive technology for users with physical disabilities. Experimental work consisted of using participants assumed physical disabilities who performed tasks that involved moving the cursor to specified locations on the PC screen in specific directions. The experiments were performed using the trackball in sitting position and supine position. In sitting position the factors were display locations and operation finger conditions. The experiment in supine position was performed using the index finger and the factors were display locations and reclining angles on the adjustable bed. In the results, the ease of cursor movement were found to have diff erent characteristics depending on display locations. In supine position the results identified diagonal directions to be diffi cult. Especially, when the conditions were supination position with the right side display, the operation was more diffi cult and required the more time. Therefore to optimize the operational performance of the pointing devices, the direction and speed of cursor movement needs to be independently controlled to meet the individual posture and PC usage environment of the user. | |
The relationship between positive and negative automatic thought and activity in the prefrontal and temporal cortices: A multi-channel near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) study | 鈴木伸一 | 疾患特性ヒト実験臨床心理学神経科学major depressive disorderNIRSstate of mind modelnear-infrared spectroscopyautomatic thought | 書誌: Journal of affective disorders , 2013 Shunsuke Koseki, Takamasa Noda, Satoshi Yokoyama, Yoshihiko Kunisato , Daisuke Ito, Haruna Suyama, Taro Matsuda, Yuji Sugimura, Naoko Ishihara, Yu Shimizu, Kanako Nakazawa, Sumiko Yoshida, Kunimasa Arima, Shin-ichi Suzuki(2013),The relationship between positive and negative automatic thought and activity in the prefrontal and temporal cortices: A multi-channel near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) study, Journal of Affective Disorder, 151(1), 352-359. Abstract Background: Recently, neurobiological studies of the cognitive model of depression have become vastly more important, and a growing number of such studies are being reported. However, the relationship between the proportion of positive and negative automatic thought and activity in the prefrontal and temporal cortices has not yet been explored. We examined the relationship between brain activity and the proportion of positive and negative automatic thought in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD), using multi-channel near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Methods: We recruited 75 individuals with MDD (36 females; mean age¼39.23712.49). They completed the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire-Revised, Japanese version of the National Adult Reading Test, and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Brain activation was measured by 52-channel NIRS. Results: We found that activation in the vicinity of the right superior temporal gyrus is related to a deviation to negative of the proportion of positive and negative thoughts in individuals with MDD. Left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex activity was higher in the group with comparatively frequent positive thought. Limitations: Our participants were patients taking antidepressant medication, which is known to influence brain activity. Second, the poor spatial resolution of NIRS increases the difficulty of identifying the measurement position. Conclusions: We found that activation of the prefrontal and temporal cortices is related to the proportion of automatic thoughts in the cognitive model of depression. | |
日本語版MPSSの信頼性・妥当性の検討 | 竹中晃二 | 社会健康行動ヒト健康科学質問紙喫煙衝動渇望離脱症状MPSSMNWS | 書誌: 禁煙科学,2010 満石寿, 藤澤雄太, 前場康介, 竹中晃二. (2010). 禁煙科学 4巻, 01-P1 要 旨本研究の目的は、禁煙に伴う離脱症状および喫煙衝動を簡便に評価することが可能である MPSSを邦訳し、短時間の断煙によって生じる離脱症状および渇望、喫煙衝動の評価を行うことを通してその信頼性と妥当性を検討することであった。邦訳した MPSSの内的整合性を検討するため Cronbachのα係数を算出した結果、項目全体において比較的高い信頼性係数が得られた.基準関連妥当性の検討には、禁煙に伴う離脱症状および渇望を評価することが可能であり、 MPSSに質問項目が類似したMNWSを用いて、それぞれの項目の相関関係を算出した。その結果、「喫煙衝動の頻度( MPSS)」と「渇望(MNWS)」との間、「喫煙衝動の強さ( MPSS)」と「渇望(MNWS)」の間では強い正の相関が認められた。離脱症状とされている「抑うつ感」、「いらいら感」、「落ち着きのなさ」、「集中力の欠如」では MPSSとMNWS との間に強い相関、「空腹感」では MPSSとMNWS との間に中程度の相関が認められた。以上の結果より、邦訳した MPSSにおいて離脱症状および喫煙衝動が十分に評価できることが示唆された。 キーワード:離脱症状、渇望、喫煙衝動、 MPSS 、 MNWS | |
Continuous change in spring-mass characteristics during a 400 m sprint | 彼末一之 | 運動ヒト実験運動生理学行動観察biomechanicsstiffnessathletesfatigue | 書誌: Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport ,2010 H. Hobara, K. Inoue, K. Gomi, M. Sakamoto, T. Muraoka, S. Iso, K. Kanosue (2010). Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 13, 256-261. Abstract The purpose of the present study was to utilise a spring-mass model to (1) continuously measure vertical stiffness (Kvert ) and leg stiffness (Kleg) over an entire 400 m sprint, and (2) investigate the relationship between leg spring stiffness (Kvert and Kvert ) and the performance characteristics of mean forward running velocity (Vforwad), mean stride frequency (fstride ), and mean stride length (Lstride ). Eight well-trained male athletes performed a 400 m sprint with maximal effort on an outdoor field track. Kvert was calculated from the subjects’ body mass, ground contact time and flight time at each step. Vforwad, fstride and Lstride were determined from video images. Kvert and Vforwad peaked at the 50–100 m interval, and consistently decreased from the middle to the later part of the sprint. Kleg peaked at first 50 m interval, and remained constant from next 50 m interval to finish. As compared with peak values, Kvert and Vforward in the last 50 m decreased by about 40% and 25%, respectively. A significant positive linear relationship existed between the Kvert and Vforward. While Kvert was significantly correlated with fstride , it had no correlation with Lstride . Further, no significant positive linear relationship was found between Kleg and Vforward, fstride , or Lstride . This result indicates that in order to keep Vforward at later stage of a 400 m sprint, maintaining the higher fstride through retaining a higher Kvert would be necessary. Keywords: Biomechanics; Stiffness; Athletes; Fatigue | |
Sleep quality under mild hypoxia in men with low hypoxic ventilatory response | 内田直 | 生体リズム脳ヒト実験生理学時間生物学神経科学自発脳波slow-wave sleeppolysomnographynormobaric hypoxiaventilatory chemosensitivity | 書誌: European Journal of Sport Science , 2012 Hoshikawa M1, Uchida S, Ganeko M, Sumitomo J, Totoki M, Kojima T, Nakamura Y, Kawahara T.(2012). European Journal of Sport Science, DOI:10.1080/17461391.2012.681805 Abstract The present study evaluated whether slow-wave sleep and whole-night delta power of the non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep electroencephalogram (EEG) decrease during sleep at a simulated altitude of 2000 m, and whether such changes related to measures of hypoxic ventilatory response (HVR). This study consisted of two parts; in the first, HVR was measured in 41 subjects and each seven subjects with the lowest or the highest HVR were selected for the subsequent sleep study. In the second part, polysomnogram, arterial oxygen saturation (SpO2) and respiratory events are recorded on the selected subjects under normoxic and hypoxic conditions. Hypoxia decreased SpO2 and increased respiratory disturbances for both groups. The low HVR group, but not the high HVR group, showed decreases in the whole-night delta power of NREM sleep EEG under hypoxia. On the other hand, two subjects in the high HVR group, who showed relatively high apnoea indices, also showed lower SpO2 nadirs and decreases in the whole-night delta power under hypoxia. These results suggest that acute hypoxia equivalent to that at a 2000 m altitude decreases slow-wave sleep in individuals that show low HVR. However, low HVR may not be the only, but one of some factors that decrease the whole-night delta power under hypoxia. Therefore, it was not sufficient to identify individuals likely to be susceptible to deteriorated sleep quality at a simulated altitude of 2000 m only using the HVR test. Other factors, which relate to respiratory instabilities, should be taken into consideration to identify them. Keywords: Normobaric hypoxia, slow-wave sleep, polysomnography, ventilatory chemosensitivity | |
Relative importance of different surface regions for thermal comfort in humans | 永島計 | ヒト実験印象評定運動生理学感覚心理学生体リズム情報質問紙温熱的快適感温度感覚cold exposurebehavioral thermoregulation体表感覚体性感覚heat exposure自律性体温調節temperature sensationthermal comfort | 書誌: Eur J Appl Physiol , 2013 Eur J Appl Physiol (2013) 113:63–76 Mayumi Nakamura • Tamae Yoda • Larry I. Crawshaw • Momoko Kasuga • Yuki Uchida • Ken Tokizawa • Kei Nagashima • Kazuyuki Kanosue Abstract In a previous study, we investigated the contribution of the surface of the face, chest, abdomen, and thigh tothermal comfort by applying local temperature stimulationduring whole-body exposure to mild heat or cold. In hotconditions, humans prefer a cool face, and in cold they prefera warm abdomen. In this study, we extended investigation ofregional differences in thermal comfort to the neck, hand,soles, abdomen (Experiment 1), the upper and lower back,upper arm, and abdomen (Experiment 2). The methodologywas similar to that used in the previous study. To compare theresults of each experiment, we utilized the abdomen as thereference area in these experiments. Thermal comfort feelings were not particularly strong for the limbs and extremities, in spite of the fact that changes in skin temperatureinduced by local temperature stimulation of the limbs andextremities were always larger than changes that wereinduced in the more proximal body parts. For the trunk areas,a significant difference in thermal comfort was not observedamong the abdomen, and upper and lower back. An exception involved local cooling during whole-body mild coldexposure, wherein the most dominant preference was for awarmer temperature of the abdomen. As for the neck andabdomen, clear differences were observed during localcooling, while no significant difference was observed duringlocal warming. We combined the results for the current andthe previous study, and characterized regional differences inthermal comfort and thermal preference for the whole-bodysurface. Keywords : Thermal comfort, Temperature sensation, Behavioral thermoregulation, Heat exposure, Coldexposure |