タイトル | 著者 | タグ | 概要 | |
脳卒中患者の退院6ヵ月後の社会的活動性に影響をおよぼす要因の検討 | 竹中晃二 | 健康疾患特性社会ヒト調査健康科学質問紙社会的活動性脳卒中health action process approach | ☆
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健康行動変容を目的とした情報媒体の受け入れやすさ・有用性が媒体の閲読行動、健康行動実施に対するセルフエフィカシー,および意図に与える影響 | 竹中晃二 | 運動社会健康行動ヒト調査健康科学質問紙usabilityacceptabilityhealth behavior change | ☆
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Ipsilateral wrist–ankle movements in the sagittal plane encoded in extrinsic reference frame | 彼末一之 | 運動ヒト実験生体工学allocentric constraintinter-joint coordinationintrinsic reference frame | 書誌: Neuroscience Research ,2013 Muraoka T., Ishida Y., Obu T., Crawshaw L. & Kanosue K. (2013). Neuroscience Research. 75(4):289-294. abstract When performing oscillatory movements of two joints in the sagittal plane, there is a directional constraint for performing such movements. Previous studies could not distinguish whether the directional constraint reflected movement direction encoded in the extrinsic (outside the body) reference frame or in the intrinsic (the participants’ torso/head) reference frame since participants performed coordinated movements in a sitting position where the torso/head was stationary relative to the external world. In order to discern the reference frame in the present study, participants performed paced oscillatory movements of the ipsilateral wrist and ankle in the sagittal plane in a standing position so that the torso/head moved relative to the external world. The coordinated movements were performed in one of two modes of coordination, moving the hand upward concomitant with either ankle plantarflexion or ankle dorsiflexion. The same directional mode relative to extrinsic space was more stable and accurate as compared with the opposite directional mode. When forearm position was changed from the pronated position to the supinated position, similar results were obtained, indicating that the results were independent of a particular coupling of muscles. These findings suggest that the directional constraint on ipsilateral joints movements in the sagittal plane reflects movement direction encoded in the extrinsic reference frame. Keywords: Inter-joint coordination, Allocentric constraint, Intrinsic reference frame | |
セルフ・エフィカシーの強化が高齢者の運動継続に及ぼす効果 ―メタ・アナリシスを用いた予備的検討― | 竹中晃二 | 総説健康科学exerciseolder adultssources of self-efficacyself-efficacymeta-analysis | ☆書誌: 行動医学研究, 2012 | |
高所恐怖傾向における言語刺激間の関係反応と回避行動の関係 | 熊野宏昭 | 疾患特性行動ヒト実験臨床心理学行動観察認知的フュージョンImplicit Relational Assessment Procedure高所恐怖不安感受性体験の回避 | 書誌:早稲田大学心理学研究 ,2013
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被災地の子どもにおける精神的健康問題の予防を目的とした運動・スポーツ活動の普及啓発活動 | 竹中晃二 | 社会健康行動運動ヒト介入健康科学質問紙予防措置こころのABC活動精神的健康問題ソーシャル・マーケティング子ども | ☆ 書誌: SSFスポーツ政策研究,2013 | |
要支援・要介護者における在宅運動の実施に影響を与える要因の検討 | 竹中晃二 | 健康疾患特性運動ヒト調査健康科学面接促進・バリア要因要支援・要介護者在宅運動 | ☆書誌: 理学療法科学,2013 | |
気管支喘息の長期管理に対する保護者用セルフ・エフィカシー尺度の開発 | 竹中晃二 | 健康疾患特性ヒト調査健康科学質問紙scalelong-term managementchildhood asthmaparentself-efficacy | ☆書誌:日本音響学会2014秋季研究発表会予稿集,2014 | |
Protection of the brain against heat damage | 永島計 | 生体脳ヒト実験生理学生理指標sweatbrain temperatureskin blood flowbehavioral thermoregulationhyperthermia | 書誌: J Phys Fitness Sports Med , 2014 Mayumi Matsuda-Nakamura and Kei Nagashima. (2014). J Phys Fitness Sports Med, 3(2): 217-221. DOI: 10.7600/jpfsm.3.217 Abstract In homeothermic animals, metabolic heat production in the brain is higher than in other tissues. However, cerebral tissue is susceptible to heat. Several animals have mechanisms that selectively cool the brain during hyperthermia (i.e., selective brain cooling [SBC]). Carotid retes have been well documented in artiodactyls (hoofed animals) and felids (cats) as mechanisms of SBC. SBC has also been found in some species without carotid retes, such as horses and squirrel monkeys. However, the presence of SBC in humans remains controversial. Brain temperature cannot be directly measured in healthy subjects; therefore, tympanic temperature has been used to estimate brain temperature. However, tympanic temperature is reportedly affected by facial skin temperature. We recently investigated the effect of facial fanning on tympanic and esophageal temperature in normothermic and hyperthermic humans. The results showed that tympanic temperature is not affected by the facial skin temperature under normothermic conditions and that facial fanning may induce SBC under hyperthermic conditions. Regional differences in thermal comfort are present over the body surface in humans, i.e. humans prefer a cool head in the heat and a warm abdomen in the cold. Therefore, preference for a low facial temperature may activate SBC. Several recent studies have demonstrated that wholebrain temperature can be measured noninvasively with proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The existence of a thermal gradient within the brain has been suggested. Studies measuring whole-brain temperature will reveal the details of human SBC. Keywords : brain temperature, hyperthermia, sweat, skin blood flow, behavioral thermoregulation | |
Possible involvement of rumination in gray matter abnormalities in persistent symptoms of major depression: an exploratory magnetic resonance imaging voxel-based morphometry study | 鈴木伸一 | 疾患特性脳ヒト実験臨床心理学脳構造画像質問紙voxel-based morphometryRuminationMagnetic resonance imagingGray matter volumeTreatment-resistant depression | 書誌:Journal of affective disorders,2014
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特定健康診査における行動変容を目的としたニューズレター配布の試み | 竹中晃二 | 健康行動生体ヒト介入健康科学質問紙behavior changespecifc health checkupsnewsletter | ☆ 書誌: The Japanese Journal of Health Psychology ,2014
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Cognitive behavioral therapy for depression changes medial prefrontal and ventral anterior cingulate cortex activity associated with self-referential processing. | 鈴木伸一 | 疾患特性脳ヒト介入臨床心理学質問紙認知課題cognitive behavioral therapyfMRIself-referential processingdepressionemotion | ☆ 書誌: Social cognitive and affective neuroscience ,2013
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社交不安における回避行動を誘発する他者の表情刺激の処理に関する展望 | 嶋田洋徳 | 総説臨床心理学感情価視線社交不安表情 | 書誌:早稲田大学臨床心理学研究 ,2014
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かささぎプロジェクトによる震災避難家族の支援 | 根ヶ山光一 | 社会システム開発ヒト調査社会学質問紙isolation from community networksKASASAGI projectGreat east Japan earthquakeevacuated familyFukushima nuclear accident | 書誌:人間科学研究 ,2012
人間科学研究 第25巻第2号 265-272(2012) 平田 修三, 根ケ山 光一, 石島 このみ, 持田 隆平, 白神 晃子 | |
身体像不満足感傾向が鏡の自覚的な見方に及ぼす影響 | 熊野宏昭 | 疾患特性行動ヒト実験調査臨床心理学質問紙行動観察エクスポージャー鏡身体像不満足感摂食障害 | ☆書誌: 心身医学, 2014 | |
うつとストレスに対する計算論的アプローチ | 鈴木伸一 | 総説臨床心理学 | ☆専修大学 心理科学研究センター年報,2014 | |
Unilateral lesion increases oestrogen receptor alpha expression in the intact side of the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus in ovariectomised rats | 山内兄人 | 脳生体ラット実験神経科学生理指標unilateral lesioncompensationventromedial hypothalamic nucleusoestrogen receptor a | 書誌: Journal of Neuroendcrinology , 2014 Shimogawa Y, Maekawa F, Yamanouch K. Journal of Neuroendcrinology, 26(4); 258-266, 2014. To determine the relationship between the right and left sides of the ventrolateral ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (vlVMN) in regulating the expression of oestrogen receptor (ER)a, the unilateral vlVMN was lesioned and the number of ERa-immunoreactive cells and the ERa mRNA level in the intact side of the vlVMN and arcuate nucleus (ARC) were measured in ovariectomised rats. Twenty-four hours after lesioning, brain samples were collected for analysis of ERa expression by immunohistochemistry and the real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. The number of ERa-immunoreactive cells in the intact side of the vlVMN but not the ARC in the unilateral lesioned group was significantly higher than that in the control or shamlesioned group. Expression levels of ERa mRNA in the intact side of the vlVMN but not the ARC in unilateral lesioned rats were significantly higher than those in the sham-lesioned group. Of transcript variants with alternative 50-untranslated regions (0S, 0N, 0, 0T and E1), the ERa 0 transcript level was significantly increased. These results indicate that unilateral damage of vlVMN induces an increase in ERa in the intact side by increasing ERa transcription in a promoter- specific manner. The findings also suggest the existence of new neuroendocrine control system between the right and left sides for the expression of ERa in the vlVMN. Key words: unilateral lesion, ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus, oestrogen receptor a, compensation | |
Radmis, a novel mitotic spindle protein that functions in cell division of neural progenitors. | 榊原伸一 | 脳生体マウス実験分子生物学生理指標 | 書誌: PLoS One,2013
Yumoto T, Nakadate K, Nakamura Y, Sugitani Y, Sugitani-Yoshida R, Ueda S, Sakakibara S. (2013). PLoS One e79895. Abstract Developmental dynamics of neural stem/progenitor cells (NSPCs) are crucial for embryonic and adult neurogenesis, but its regulatory factors are not fully understood. By differential subtractive screening with NSPCs versus their differentiated progenies, we identified the radmis (radial fiber and mitotic spindle)/ckap2l gene, a novel microtubuleassociated protein (MAP) enriched in NSPCs. Radmis is a putative substrate for the E3-ubiquitin ligase, anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C), and is degraded via the KEN box. Radmis was highly expressed in regions of active neurogenesis throughout life, and its distribution was dynamically regulated during NSPC division. In embryonic and perinatal brains, radmis localized to bipolar mitotic spindles and radial fibers (basal processes) of dividing NSPCs. As central nervous system development proceeded, radmis expression was lost in most brain regions, except for several neurogenic regions. In adult brain, radmis expression persisted in the mitotic spindles of both slowly-dividing stem cells and rapid amplifying progenitors. Overexpression of radmis in vitro induced hyperstabilization of microtubules, severe defects in mitotic spindle formation, and mitotic arrest. In vivo gain-of-function using in utero electroporation revealed that radmis directed a reduction in NSPC proliferation and a concomitant increase in cell cycle exit, causing a reduction in the Tbr2-positive basal progenitor population and shrinkage of the embryonic subventricular zone. Besides, radmis loss-of-function by shRNAs induced the multipolar mitotic spindle structure, accompanied with the catastrophe of chromosome segregation including the long chromosome bridge between two separating daughter nuclei. These findings uncover the indispensable role of radmis in mitotic spindle formation and cell-cycle progression of NSPCs. | |
Does sleep really shorten when we get older? | 内田直 | 健康生体リズムヒト調査健康科学時間生物学身体医学生体リズム情報質問紙 | ☆ 書誌: Sleep and biological rhythums ,2014
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Spatiotemporal distribution of SUMOylation components during the mouse brain development | 榊原伸一 | 生体脳発達マウス実験分子生物学神経科学生理指標brain developmentSUMO1Ubc9neural progenitor cellSUMO2/3 | 書誌: J. Comp. Neurol , 2014 Hasegawa Y, Yoshida D, Nakamura Y, Sakakibara S. (2014). J. Comp. Neurol. J Comp Neurol. 522:3020-3036. ABSTRACT Posttranslational modification of proteins might play an important role in brain cellular dynamics via the rapid turnover or functional change of critical proteins controlling neuronal differentiation or synaptic transmission. Small ubiquitin-like modifier protein (SUMO) is a family of ubiquitin-like small proteins that are covalently attached to target proteins to modify their function posttranslationally. Many cellular processes, such as transcription and protein trafficking, are regulated by SUMOylation, but its functional significance in the brain remains unclear. Although developmental regulation of SUMOylation levels in rat brain was recently demonstrated, no comparative immunohistochemical analysis of the cellular distribution profiles of SUMOylation components, including SUMO1, SUMO2/3, and Ubc9, has been undertaken so far. The present study used immunohistochemical and immunoblot analysis with the different developmental stages of mice and demonstrated the developmentally regulated distribution of SUMO1, SUMO2/3, and Ubc9 in the brain. During embryonic development, SUMOylation by SUMO1 and SUMO2/3 occurred in the nucleoplasm of nestin-positive neural stem cells. Although the total amount of SUMOmodified proteins decreased during postnatal brain development, intense and persistent accumulation of SUMO2/3 was detected throughout life in neural progenitor populations in neurogenic regions, including the subventricular zone and the hippocampal subgranular zone. In contrast, many neurons in the adult brain accumulated SUMO1 rather than SUMO2/3. Heavy immunoreactivity of SUMO1 was found in large projection neurons in the brainstem, whereas SUMO2/3 was almost absent from these areas. This heterogeneous distribution implies that both proteins play a specific and unique role in the brain. INDEXING TERMS: SUMO1; SUMO2/3; Ubc9; neural progenitor cell; brain development |