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書誌: 日本音響学会秋季研究発表会   講演論文集 ,2013


日本音響学会秋季研究発表会 講演論文集(CD-ROM) ,3-P-55,豊橋技術科学大学, 2013.9.浅井拓也 (早大/理研), 宮澤幸希 (理研), 菊池英明 (早大), 馬塚れい子 (理研/デューク大)

Dietary intake is associated with human chronotype as assessed by both morningness–eveningness score and preferred midpoint of sleep in young Japanese women柴田重信生体リズムヒト調査時間生物学質問紙midpoint of sleepchronotypedietary intakemorningness–eveningness score

書誌:   International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition,2011

International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, August 2011; 62(5): 525–532


Abstract We analyzed the association between dietary intake and chronotype as assessed by both Morningness – Eveningness Questionnaire (MEQ) score and preferred midpoint of sleep in 112 young Japanese women. Dietary intake was assessed by a brief, self-administered diet history questionnaire. A lower MEQ score (evening-type tendency) showed a significant association with a lower energy-adjusted intake of protein, calcium, magnesium, zinc, vitamins (D, riboflavin, and B6), and vegetables, and with a higher intake of noodles. Furthermore, a later midpoint of sleep showed a significant association with a lower energyadjusted intake of protein, cholesterol, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, vitamins (D, riboflavin, B6, and B12), soy, fish and shellfish, and eggs, and with a higher intake of noodles, bread, and confections. These data suggest that evening chronotype is associated with inadequate dietary habits such as low vitamin and mineral intakes.

Keywords: Chronotype, morningness –eveningness score, midpoint of sleep, dietary intake  

Exercise effect on sleep physiology内田直総説運動生理学時間生物学EEGGHfitnessBDNFbody temperatureexercisecortisolsleep

書誌: Front Neurol , 2012

Uchida S, Shioda K, Morita Y, Kubota C, Ganeko M, Takeda N. (2012). Front Neurol.  3: 48. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2012.00048

This mini-review focuses on the effects of exercise on sleep. In its early days, sleep research largely focused on central nervous system (CNS) physiology using standardized tabulations of several sleep-specific landmark electroencephalogram (EEG) waveforms. Though coarse, this method has enabled the observation and inspection of numerous uninterrupted sleep phenomena. The research on the effects of exercise on sleep began, in the 1960s, with a focus primarily on sleep related EEG changes (CNS sleep).Those early studies found only small effects of exercise on sleep. However, more recent sleep research has explored not only CNS functioning, but somatic physiology as well. Sleep should be affected by daytime exercise, as physical activity alters endocrine, autonomic nervous system (ANS),and somatic functions. Since endocrinological, metabolic, and autonomic changes can be measured during sleep, it should be possible to assess exercise effects on somatic physiology in addition to CNS sleep quality, evaluated by standard polysomnographic (PSG) techniques. Additional measures of somatic physiology have provided enough evidences to conclude that the auto-regulatory, global regulation of sleep is not the exclusive domain of the CNS, but it is heavily influenced by inputs from the rest of the body.

Keywords: exercise, sleep, EEG, body temperature, GH, cortisol, BDNF, fitness 

Neural RNA-Binding Protein Musashi1 Controls Midline Crossing of Precerebellar Neurons through Posttranscriptional Regulation of Robo3/Rig-1 Expression榊原伸一マウス実験神経科学遺伝学遺伝情報DEVBIOMOLNEUROsignaling

書誌: Neuron, 2010

Neuron 67, 407–421, August 12, 2010 ª2010 Elsevier Inc

Ken-ichiro Kuwako, Kyoko Kakumoto, Takao Imai, Mana Igarashi, Takao Hamakubo, Shin-ichi Sakakibara, Marc Tessier-Lavigne, Hirotaka James Okano, and Hideyuki Okano

Precisely regulated spatiotemporal gene expressionis essential for the establishment of neural circuits.In contrast to the increasing evidence for transcriptional regulation of axon guidance cues and receptors, the role of posttranscriptional regulation inaxon guidance, especially in vivo, remains poorlycharacterized. Here, we demonstrate that theexpression of Slit receptor Robo3/Rig-1, which playscrucial roles in axonal midline crossing, is regulatedby a neural RNA-binding protein Musashi1 (Msi1).Msi1 binds to Robo3 mRNA through RNA recognitionmotifs and increases the protein level of Robo3without affecting its mRNA level. In Msi1-deficientprecerebellar neurons, Robo3 protein, but not itsmRNA, is dramatically reduced. Moreover, similarto defects in Robo3-deficient mice, axonal midlinecrossing and neuronal migration of precerebellarneurons are severely impaired in Msi1-deficientmice. Together, these findings indicate that Msi1-mediated posttranscriptional regulation of Robo3controls midline crossing of precerebellar neurons.

Synthesis and bioassay of a boron-dipyrromethene derivative of estradiol for fluorescence imaging in vivo山内兄人ラット実験神経科学uterusestrogen receptorBODIPY

書誌:   Steroids , 2012

Steroids 77 (2012) 845–849

Mayumi Okamoto, Shun Kobayashi, Hiroshi Ikeuchi, Shunji Yamada, Korehito Yamanouchi,Kazumichi Nagasawa, Shun Maekawa, Takashi Kato, Isao Shimizu

C7a-substituted estradiols bind to estrogen receptors in cell nuclei, yet these derivatives remain little used in bioimaging. Here, we describe a fluorescent derivative of estradiol (E2) with a boron-dipyrromethene (BODIPY) moiety attached to C7a, synthesized by olefin metathesis reaction of 7a-allylestradiol and 9-decenyl-BODIPY. In ovariectomized rats and non-ovariectomized mice, E2-BODIPY promoted the growth of uterine tissue similar to the effect of estradiol. Twenty-four hours after subcutaneous injection of E2-BODIPY in non-ovariectomized mice, we observed fluorescence of E2-BODIPY in the nuclei of uterine epithelial cells. Our findings suggest that fluorescence microscopy can localize this derivative in E2- responsive cells during normal development and tumorigenesis in vivo. 

Cognitive dysfunctions after recovery from major depressive episodes嶋田洋徳疾患特性ヒト実験臨床心理学認知課題recoveryattentioncognitive functionneuropsychological testdepression

書誌: Applied Neuropsychology ,2012

Yamamoto T. & Shimada H. (2012).Applied Neuropsychology, 19:3, 183-191.  Although recent studies have indicated that cognitive dysfunctions may persist after recovery from a major depressive episode (MDE), the claim remains controversial. To clarify this clinically important issue, we investigated the cognitive functions of people who had experienced one or more MDE, after controlling for several confounding variables: differences in (a) medications, (b) age ranges, and (c) disorder characteristics. Neuropsychological tests for memory, attention, and executive function were employed to compare 12 recovered depressed participants who had fully met the criteria for MDE to 30 participants who had partially met the criteria or had not met them at all. The recovered depressed participants were impaired on tasks of verbal learning and memory and selective or divided attention in contrast to others. After an alpha correction was applied, the deficits in divided attention remained significant. These cognitive shortfalls also distinguished people who had experienced an MDE from those who had partially experienced them or had not experienced them at all. We suggest that the experience of an MDE may have a persistent negative influence on cognitive functions, particularly on their higher levels, such as divided attention. Key words: attention, cognitive function, depression, neuropsychological test, recovery 

Influence of somatosensory input on corticospinal excitability during motor imagery彼末一之運動ヒト実験運動生理学神経科学事象関連電位行動観察contralateralsomatosensorymotor imagerytranscranial magnetic stimulationcorticospinal excitability

書誌: Neuroscience Letters ,2012

N. Mizuguchi, M. Sakamoto, T. Muraoka, N. Moriyama, K. Nakagawa, H. Nakata, and K. Kanosue. (2012). Neuroscience Letters, 514(1):127-30. 


Our previous studies showed that corticospinal excitability during imagery of squeezing a foam ball was enhanced by somatosensory input generated by passively holding the ball. In the present study, using the same experimental model, we investigated whether corticospinal excitability was influenced by holding the object with the hand opposite to the imagined hand. Corticospinal excitability was assessed by monitoring motor evoked potentials (MEPs) in the first dorsal interosseous muscle following transcranial magnetic stimulation over the motor cortex during motor imagery. Subjects were asked to imagine squeezing a foam ball with the right hand (experiment 1) or the left hand (experiment 2), while either holding nothing (Null condition), a ball in the right hand (Right condition) or a ball in the left hand (Left condition). The MEPs amplitude during motor imagery was increased, only when the holding hand and the imagined hand were on the same side. These results suggest that performance improvement and rehabilitation exercises will be more effective when somatosensory stimulation and motor imagery are done on the same side. 

Keywords: Motor imagery, Corticospinal excitability, Somatosensory, Transcranial magnetic stimulation, Contralateral


☆ 書誌:日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集 ,2012


書誌:行動療法研究 ,2011

佐々木美保・尾形 明子・伊藤 有里・武井 優子・兼子 唯・宮河真一郎・神野 和彦・小林 正夫・鈴木 伸一 (2011), 1型糖尿病患児の罹病期間、セルフエフィカシーとセルフケア行動との関係一1型糖尿病患児を対象としたキャンプを通して一, 行動療法研究, 37(3), 157-169.

要約本研究の目的は、 1型糖尿病患児を対象としたキャンプが、患児のセルフケア行動に及ぼす影響について長期的な検討を行うとともに、セルフケア行動に影響を及ぼす要因として指摘されている罹病期 間、セルフエフィカシーとの関連について検討を行うことであった。 1型糖尿病患児20名に対して、 キャンプ前後、1カ月後、 6カ月後にセルフケア行動とセルフケア行動に対するセルフエフィカシー、 罹病期間を測定した。分析の結果、キャンプ参加によってセルフケア行動が一時的には増加するものの、長期的にはセルフケア行動は維持されず、また、罹病期間が長い、もしくは、セルフエフィカシー が低い患児は、セルフケア行動の遂行が十分ではないことが示された。罹病期間とセルフエフィカシー を考慮したキャンプでの関わりが、三児のセルフケア行動を高めるために重要であることが示唆された。


書誌:学校メンタルヘルス ,2010

藤澤 雄太, 満石 寿, 前場 康介, 竹中 晃二. (2010). 学校メンタルヘルス 13(1), 49-58.

本研究の目的は,身体活動量の増加を意図した動機づけ面接(Motivational Interviewing:MI)に準ずる面接を実施し,チェンジトークがSEを増加させ,間接的にストレス反応を低減させるかどうかについて検討することであった。チェンジトークとは,「現状を維持することによる不利益」,「変化を起こすことの利点」,「変わることへの意志」,「変わることへの楽観性」といった,変化へ向けた意欲を表す言葉を指す。定期的な運動習慣のない女子大学生(23名)が,所属する大学ごとにチェンジトーク(CT)群および統制群へランダムに振り分けられた。CT群では,主にオープンクエスチョンを中心に用い,身体活動・運動に関する現状,現状のメリット・デメリット,ならびに実施可能な健康行動に関する会話を行うことにより,チェンジトークを引き出した。統制群では,クローズドクエスチョンを用いて同様の内容について会話を行った。面接内容はICレコーダによって録音し,逐語録をもとに2名の評価者がチェンジトークの抽出を行った。面接前後において,一般性セルフエフィカシー(GSES),運動セルフエフィカシー(運動SE),および心理的ストレス反応(SRS-18)の測定を行った結果,チェンジトーク数とGSES,および運動SEの変化量に有意な相関関係は認められなかった。また,Mann-WhitneyのU検定の結果,群間におけるGSES,運動SE,SRS-18の変化量に有意な差は認めなかった。本研究の結果から,チェンジトークはGSESおよび運動SEに影響を与えない可能性が示唆された。今後はMIに含まれる他の要素とチェンジトークの関連性を検討することにより,効果的な面接実施に向けた知見を得ることが求められる。   


☆書誌: 児童心理,2013

横浜市鶴見区国道1号における沿道緑化 -規制による景観形成から共働と競争による景観創造へ -小島隆矢社会ヒト調査社会学質問紙まちづくり緑化商業地域街路景観都市景観キャプション評価法


Behacioral development of infant holding and its laterality in relation to mother's handedness and child-care attitude根ヶ山光一発達ヒト調査発達心理学質問紙handednessholdinginfantslateralityparenting stress

書誌: Infant Behavior & Development,2010

Infant Behavior & Development 33 (2010) 68–78

K. Negayama , M. Kawai , H. Yamamoto , K. Tomiwa , Y. Sakakihara , Japan Children’s Study Group

The holding of 465 Japanese infants by their mothers was longitudinally observed at 4 and9 months with several checkups and questionnaires of physical and psychological development and child-care attitude in a larger longitudinal study of mother–child relationships. Aleft side bias in holding was significant for the 4-month-old infants. The infants’ increasedautonomy in their ability to adopt a posture at 9 months weakened the holding bias. Themothers’ handedness was related to different right/left hand contact patterns, but it wassignificant only for holding on the left side. The infants’ reflexes relating to posture did notcorrelate with the holding bias at 4 months. The meaning and possible determinants ofholding laterality are discussed.

Tail position affects the body temperature of rats during cold exposure in a low-energy state永島計運動ラット実験運動生理学行動観察tailbehavioral thermoregulationbody temperaturefastingcold exposure

書誌:   J Comp Physiol A , 2012

J Comp Physiol A (2012) 198:89–95

Yuki Uchida • Ken Tokizawa • Mayumi Nakamura • Cheng-Hsien Lin • Kei Nagashima

Abstract Rats place their tails underneath their bodytrunks when cold (tail-hiding behavior). The aim of thepresent study was to determine whether this behavior isnecessary to maintain body temperature. Male Wistar ratswere divided into ‘fed’ and ‘42-h fasting’ groups. A onepiece tail holder (8.4 cm in length) that prevented the tailhiding behavior or a three-piece tail holder (2.8 cm inlength) that allowed for the tail-hiding behavior wasattached to the tails of the rats. The rats were exposed to27C for 180 min or to 20C for 90 min followed by 15Cfor 90 min with continuous body temperature and oxygenconsumption measurements. Body temperature decreasedby -1.0 ± 0.1C at 15C only in the rats that preventedtail-hiding behavior of the 42-h fasting group, and oxygenconsumption increased at 15C in all animals. Oxygenconsumption was not different between the rats that prevented tail-hiding behavior and the rats that allowed thebehavior in the fed and 42-h fasting groups under ambientconditions. These results show that the tail-hiding behavioris involved in thermoregulation in the cold in fasting rats.

Keywords Behavioral thermoregulation ・ Fasting ・ Tail ・ Body temperature ・ Cold

The effects of electromyography-controlled functional electrical stimulation on upper extremity function and cortical perfusion in stroke patients村岡慶裕生体疾患特性ヒト介入神経科学行動観察電気刺激functional electrical stimulationbrain perfusionstrokeNIRSrehabilitation

書誌:   Clinical Neurophysiology , 2013

Hara Y, Obayashi S, Tsujiuchi K, Muraoka Y. (2013). Clin Neurophysiol. 124(10):2008-15. doi: 10.1016/j.clinph.2013.03.030. highlights  Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is feasible in measuring brain activity during the electrical stimulation which is not available with fMRI.  With analysis of brain cortical perfusion (BCP) using NIRS during rehabilitative training of a paretic upper extremity, the relationship between EMG-controlled FES (EMG-FES) therapy and ipsilesional BCP was revealed.  This is the first article describing the brain perfusion change during EMG-FES stimulation and its treatment benefits for the hemiparetic patients in rehabilitation course. abstract Objective: The relation was investigated between hemiparetic arm function improvement and brain cortical perfusion (BCP) change during voluntary muscle contraction (VOL), EMG-controlled FES (EMG-FES) and simple electrical muscle stimulation (ES) before and after EMG-FES therapy in chronic stroke patients. Methods: Sixteen chronic stroke patients with moderate residual hemiparesis underwent 5 months of task-orientated EMG-FES therapy of the paretic arm once or twice a week. Before and after treatment, arm function was clinically evaluated and BCP during VOL, ES and EMG-FES were assessed using multi-channel near-infrared spectroscopy. Results: BCP in the ipsilesional sensory-motor cortex (SMC) was greater during EMG-FES than during VOL or ES; therefore, EMG-FES caused a shift in the dominant BCP from the contralesional to ipsilesional SMC. After EMG-FES therapy, arm function improved in most patients, with some individual variability, and there was significant improvement in Fugl–Meyer (FM) score and maximal grip strength (GS). Clinical improvement was accompanied by an increase in ipsilesional SMC activation during VOL and EMG-FES condition. Conclusion: The EMG-FES may have more influence on ipsilesional BCP than VOL or ES alone. Significance: The sensory motor integration during EMG-FES therapy might facilitate BCP of the ipsilesional SMC and result in functional improvement of hemiparetic upper extremity. 

Spin on Fastballs Thrown by Elite Baseball Pitchers彼末一之運動ヒト実験運動生理学行動観察spin axisball speedprofessional playersspin rate

書誌: Med Sci Sports Exerc , 2011

T. Nagami, J. Morohoshi, T. Higuchi, H. Nakata, S. Naito, and K. Kanosue (2011)  Med Sci Sports Exerc, 43(12):2321-7.


Purpose: In this study, we analyzed the direction of the spin axis angles and the spin rate of baseballs pitched by elite collegiate and professional pitchers. Method: The video image of a ball being pitched was taken from the period just before release until 200 ms after release with a high-speed video camera at a rate of 1000 frames per second. A custom-made device was used to analyze the spin axis angle and the spin rate. Results and Conclusion: There were no significant differences in the direction of the spin axis angles or the spin rate between collegiate and professional pitchers. A significant correlation was obtained between spin rate and ball speed; that is, the higher the ball speed, the greater the spin rate. In addition, the spin rate deviated more across subjects than did ball speed. For all subjects, the azimuth and elevation of spin axis were 19- T 14- and j32- T 9-, respectively. Some of the pitchers were able to put a characteristic spin on their fastball; the nature of this spin could be related to their pitching success. 



書誌: 情報処理学会論文誌 ,2012

情報処理学会論文誌 Vol.53 No.4 1269-1274(Apr.2012)

沈睿・菊池 英明・太田 克己・三田村 健

近年,擬人化インタフェースの研究開発がさかんに行われ,ユーザとそれらの人工物とのインタラクションが重要視されている.インタラクションを促進する手段の 1 つとして,ユーザにパートナ感や愛着を感じさせるため,エージェントのキャラクタ付与の必要性が高まっている.筆者らは,自動車内でロボティクス・エージェントが運転のサポートや情報コンテンツの提供などを行うインタフェースの開発を進めている.そこでは,音声メディアの利用が前提となり,音声表現によるエージェントのキャラクタ付与が必要である.本稿では,ユーザにおけるキャラクタ像の形成を制御することを目的として,テキストレベルでのキャラクタ付与の手法を検討する.まず, (1) 自発音声に対する印象評定を行い,高い評価が得られた音声の転記テキストを集めた.続いて, (2) これらの転記テキストからキャラクタ像の形成に有効な言語パターンの抽出を行った.最後に, (3) これらの言語パターンをニュートラル文章に適用してキャラクタ付与文章を生成し,それに対する印象評定実験を行って言語パターンの有効性を検証した.その結果,抽出された言語パターンがキャラクタ像の形成に有効であることが分かり,本研究のアプローチの有効性が示された.   


書誌: 日本老年医学会雑誌 ,2010

前場 康介,  竹中 晃二 (2010). 日本老年医学会雑誌. Vol. 47, No. 4 P 323-328.

要 約 目的:転倒は,高齢者において最も一般的で深刻な健康問題の一つである. Tinetti et al.(1990 )は,転倒恐怖を自己効力感の観点から捉え,転倒自己効力感を提唱している.しかし我が国においては,転倒自己効力感およびその影響因子については,十分な検討がなされているとは言い難い.そこで本研究では,高齢者の日常生活に伴う因子が転倒自己効力感に与える影響について検討した.方法:調査協力への同意を得た 60 歳以上の在宅高齢者 180 名(男性 93 名;女性 87 名)を対象として,個別面談方式による質問紙調査を行った.調査内容は,転倒自己効力感および転倒経験の有無,現在の身体活動時間,などを含むものであった.結果:ステップワイズ法による重回帰分析の結果,転倒自己効力感に最も強く影響しているのは主観的健康状態であり,次いで,転倒経験,年齢,慢性疼痛の有無,平日の座位時間,および中強度以上の身体活動時間が有意な影響を示した.性別,家族形態,知人の転倒の有無,および歩行活動時間については,転倒自己効力感へ有意な影響を与えなかった.結論:本研究の結果から,中強度以上の身体活動や主観的健康状態が転倒自己効力感の向上に寄与することが明らかとなった.また,過去の転倒経験や慢性疼痛の存在は,自己効力感を低下させる危険因子として作用する可能性が考えられた.今後の転倒予防プログラムでは,転倒自己効力感の向上を含む多因子的な介入方略の必要性が望まれる. Key words :転倒自己効力感,身体活動,在宅高齢者,自己効力感の情報源,多因子的アプローチ 


書誌: 日本音響学会春季研究発表会講演論文集 ,2013


日本音響学会春季研究発表会講演論文集 , 2-Q-18, pp.640-641, Mar. 2013.江田康太郎 ,菊池英明(早稲田大 ・人間科学 )

Concepts to utilize in describing thermoregulation and neurophysiological evidence for how the system works彼末一之, 永島計ヒト総説運動生理学core temperatureambient temperaturefeedforward

書誌: Eur J Appl Physiol ,2010

Eur J Appl Physiol (2010) 109:5–11

Kazuyuki Kanosue • Larry I. Crawshaw •Kei Nagashima • Tamae Yoda

Abstract We would like to emphasize about the systeminvolved with homeostatic maintenance of body temperature. First, the primary mission of the thermoregulatorysystem is to defend core temperature (Tcore) against changes in ambient temperature (Ta), the most frequentlyencountered disturbance for the system. Tashould betreated as a feedforward input to the system, which has notbeen adequately recognized by thermal physiologists.Second, homeostatic demands from outside the thermoregulatory system may require or produce an altered Tcore,such as fever (demand from the immune system). There arealso conditions where some thermoregulatory effectorsmight be better not recruited due to demands from otherhomeostatic systems, such as during dehydration or fasting.Third, many experiments have supported the originalassertion of Satinoff that multiple thermoregulatory effectors are controlled by different and relatively independentneuronal circuits. However, it would also be of value to beable to characterize strictly regulatory properties of theentire system by providing a clear definition for the level ofregulation. Based on the assumption that Tcoreis the regulated variable of the thermoregulatory system, regulatedTcoreis defined as the Tcorethat pertains within the range ofnormothermic Ta(Gordon in temperature and toxicology:an integrative, comparative, and environmental approach,CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2005), i.e., the Tarange in whichan animal maintains a stable Tcore. The proposed approachwould facilitate the categorization and evaluation of hownormal biological alterations, physiological stressors, andpathological conditions modify temperature regulation. Inany case, of overriding importance is to recognize themeans by which an alteration in Tcore(and modification ofassociated effector activities) increases the overall viabilityof the organism.

Keywords : Core temperature , Ambient temperature, Negative feedback, Feedforward