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The role of GABAergic neuron on NMDA- and SP-induced phase delays in the suprachiasmatic nucleus neuronal activity rhythm in vitro柴田重信生体リズムヒト実験遺伝学神経科学時間生物学遺伝情報GABAsuprachiasmatic nucleusbicucullinefield potentialSCN firing rhythmhuman circadian rhythm

書誌:   Neuroscience Lettters , 2010

Neurosci Lett. 2010 Jan 14;468(3):344-7. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2009.11.029. Epub 2009 Nov 13.

Hamada T , Shibata S.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), and its biosynthetic enzyme, glutamic decarboxylase, are widely distributed in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). In the present study, we examined the role of the GABAA receptor on in vitro SCN responses to photic-like signals. We found that 100 M GABAA receptor antagonist bicuculline partially blocked field potentials evoked by optic nerve stimulation. NMDAand SP-induced phase shifts of SCN neuronal activity rhythms, were blocked with 10 M bicuculline. Application of 100 M bicuculline alone induced phase advance of SCN neuronal activity rhythm. These results show that NMDA- and SP-induced phase shifts are blocked by bicuculline and suggest GABA has an important role as neurotransmitter in the neuronal network regulating phase shifts of the circadian clock.   

Effects of prolonged stress on salicary cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone: A study of a two-week teaching practice野村忍ストレス行動ヒト介入質問紙cortisol awakening responsedehydroepiandrosteronemoodacademic stressstresscortisolホルモン

書誌: Psychoneuroendocrinology ,2012  

Shuhei Izawa, Keisuke Saito, Kentaro Shirotsuki, Nagisa Sugaya, Shinobu Nomura. (2012), Effects of prolonged stress on salivary cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone: a study of a two-week teaching practice. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 37(6), 852-858.

Abstract This study investigated variations in salivary levels of cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in a prolonged stressful situation (a two-week teaching practice). Thirty-three women for whom a two-week teaching practice at a kindergarten was scheduled were asked to collect saliva samples at awakening, 30 min after awakening, and bedtime at four time points: two weeks before the practice, the first week of the practice, the second week of the practice, and a few days after the practice. In addition, they completed questionnaires for assessing perceived stress and subjective moods on each day. A linear mixed model indicated that cortisol levels significantly increased during the first and second week of the practice compared with those before and after the practice period, and that DHEA levels significantly decreased after the practice period compared with those at the other time points. Further, cortisol awakening response after the practice period significantly reduced compared with that at the other time points. Scores of perceived stress and negative moods were also higher during the practice period. This study showed that prolonged stress affected cortisol and DHEA secretion during as well as after the stress period.

お笑い劇場の利用様態に関する研究 類似施設との比較および鑑賞前後の行動に関する分析小島隆矢社会行動ヒト調査社会学質問紙周辺環境数量化3類クラスター分析お笑い劇場鑑賞前後

書誌:日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集 ,2012

Effects of an early evening 10-km run on nocturnal sleep homeostatically degraded by an afternoon nap内田直運動生体リズムヒト実験運動生理学神経科学時間生物学生体リズム情報自発脳波ceiling and floor effectexercisesleepPSG

書誌:   スポーツ科学研究 ,2011

Shioda K., Ogawa K., Asaoka S., Mitsuyama T., Yoshikawa K. & Uchida S. (2011). スポーツ科学研究, 8, 270-279. Key Words :  exercise, sleep, PSG, ceiling and floor effect Abstract   We examined the effect of acute exercise performed after an afternoon nap intended to homeostatically degrade the following night's sleep quality. Nine healthy young people unaccustomed to regular exercise ran for 10-km after an afternoon nap. Polysomnographic (PSG) measurements were carried out during night sleep and during naps in three different conditions: Baseline night (Nt0), Nap (Np1) + night after no run (Nt1), and Nap (Np2) + night after 10km run (Nt2). Standard visual sleep stage scoring and Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) analysis of the electroencephalogram (EEG) were performed on 30sec epochs. For the seven subjects who met sleep parameter inclusion criteria, sleep efficiency (SE), total sleep time (TST), and duration of stage REM for Nt1 condition within sleep variables were significantly less than those of the Nt0 condition by 7.54 ± 6.57%, 36.21 ± 31.54min, and 23.07 ± 21.63min, respectively. There were no significant differences between Nt1 and Nt2 in duration of each sleep stage except the point that the total delta power of Nt2 was significantly higher than that of Nt1. In conclusion, the total delta power of Nt2 condition was higher than that of Nt1, suggesting that 10km run improved following night sleep. The necessity of computerized quantitative analysis in such fine changes were also confirmed. 

Sleep evaluation by a newly developed PVDF sensor non-contact sheet: a comparison with standard ppolysomnography and wrist actigraphy内田直生体リズムヒト実験時間生物学生体工学生体リズム情報non-contact sheet-type sensorrespiration rate測定法heart ratesleep evaluation

書誌: Sleep and Biological Rhythms , 2011

UCHIDA, S., ENDO, T., SUENAGA, K., IWAMI, H., INOUE, S., FUJIOKA, E., IMAMURA, A., ATSUMI, T., INAGAKI, Y. and KAMEI, A. (2011). Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 9: 178–187. doi: 10.1111/j.1479-8425.2011.00506.x

Abstract Polysomnographic (PSG) recording of multiple physiological measures remains the gold standard for sleep assessment in both basic and clinical human sleep research. However, PSG requires many unnatural conditions that can influence sleep phenomena. Recently, non-contact sheet sensors (SS) have been developed for sleep evaluation. Sheet sensor technology provides advantages over existing minimally intrusive devices used to analyze sleep-related behavior, such as wrist actigraphy (WA), beginning with freedom from attachment to any probes or devices. Current SS measures additionally include two physiological measures – heart rate (HR) and respiration rate (RR). To test the validity of SS analyses, we performed simultaneous recordings of SS and standard PSG in thirteen healthy adult sleepers, with WA additionally available for nine of the subjects. Sleep period features were compared among the three methods, and HR and RR data from SS and PSG were compared. Comparisons between the automatic scoring of SS and WA and visual PSG scoring showed good sleep–wake discrimination (88.3% and 89.4% respectively). Sleep onset estimation relative to PSG was also good for both SS and WA (0.38 and -2.44 epoch differences, respectively). In addition, HR and RR measured by SS were also compared with PSG. Both HR and RR closely approximated PSG physiological measures (error rates: HR 2.4%, RR 4.3%). In summary, SS is expected to be less disruptive and easier to use for long-term home sleep monitoring.

Key words: heart rate, non-contact sheet-type sensor, respiration rate, sleep evaluation 

Exercise and sleep – Review and future directions内田直総説運動生理学時間生物学EEGGHfitnessBDNFbody temperatureexercisecortisolsleep

書誌: The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine, 2012

Uchida Sunao, Shioda Kohei, Morita Yuko, Kubota Chie, Ganeko Masashi, Takeda Noriko. (2012). The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 1(2), 317-324.

Abstract   This review focuses on the effects of exercise on sleep. In its early days, sleep research largely focused on central nervous system (CNS) physiology using standardized tabulations of several sleep-specific landmark electroencephalogram (EEG) waveforms. This method has enabled the observation and inspection of numerous uninterrupted sleep phenomena. Research on the effects of exercise on sleep began, in the 1960’s, with a focus primarily on sleep related EEG changes (CNS sleep). Those early studies only found small effects of exercise on sleep.  However, more recent sleep research has explored not only CNS functioning, but somatic physiology as well.  Sleep should be affected by daytime exercise, as physical activity alters circadian pacemaker, endocrine, autonomic nervous system (ANS) and other somatic functions. Since endocrinological, metabolic and autonomic changes can be measured during sleep, it should be possible to assess exercise effects on somatic physiology in addition to CNS sleep quality, evaluated by standard polysomnographic (PSG) techniques.  Additional measures of somatic physiology have provided enough evidence to conclude that the auto-regulatory, global regulation of sleep is not the exclusive domain of the CNS, but is heavily influenced by inputs from the rest of the body.

Keywords : exercise, sleep, EEG, body temperature, GH, cortisol, BDNF, fitness

Acute effects of static stretching on leg-spring behavior during hopping彼末一之運動ヒト実験運動生理学行動観察leg stiffnesswarm-uphoppingstatic stretching

書誌: European Journal of Applied Physiology ,2011  

Hobara H., Inoue, K., Kato, E., Kanosue K. (2011). European Journal of Applied Physiology, 111:2115–2121.


Despite the fact that a stiffer leg spring is prerequisite for achieving a better performance during sports activities, effects of various types of warm-up on the leg stiffness is not well-known. The purpose of this study was to determine if static stretching influences the leg stiffness during two-legged hopping. Fourteen male subjects performed two-legged hopping at 2.2 Hz before and after a 3-min passive stretching of the triceps surae (dorsiflexion of 30). Based on a spring-mass model, we calculated leg stiffness, which is defined as the ratio of maximal ground reaction force to maximum center of mass displacement at the middle of the stance phase. It was found that there was no significant difference in leg stiffness after passive static stretching. These results suggest that 3-min passive static stretching does not affect the leg   spring behavior and stiffness regulation during two-legged hopping. Finally, possible explanations for the invariant leg stiffness after the passive stretching are discussed.

Keywords Static stretching Warm-up Leg stiffness  Hopping

単身高齢者の社会的交流に関する住意識調査 -住環境における「調整領域」の提案-小島隆矢社会ヒト調査社会学質問紙意識調査クラスター分析調整領域社会的交流高齢者向け住宅介護サービス

書誌:日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集 ,2012

母子の身体接触を伴う遊びにおける動作と発話の時系列分析菊池英明, 市川熹, 根ヶ山光一, 百瀬桂子対話発達ヒト実験発達心理学行動観察反復動作身体接触母子相互作用遊びテンポ

書誌:電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. HCS, ヒューマンコミュニケーション基礎,2012

電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. HCS, ヒューマンコミュニケーション基礎 111(464), 3-7, 2012-02-27 

Keiko MOMOSE, Koichi NEGAYAMA,  Konomi ISHIJIMA,  Hideaki KIKUCHI, Masaaki HOND, and Akira ICHIKAWA 

Abstract Tactile interaction of three 4-month-old infants and their mothers in play situation was observed at home. Playfulrepetitive arm/leg movements were observed in all mother-infant pairs and their sequential structure was analyzed. Tempo ofthe repetitive movement decreased with expanding moving arm/leg area of infant. Mother and infants intended to keep andenjoy their play and their interaction through infants’ active physical contact and utterance was observed. Sequential features ofthe repetitive arm/leg movements obtained from this situation imply the importance of the tactile interaction for the earlydevelopment of communication.

Keyword Tactile interaction, Mother-infant interaction, Play, Development, Repetitive movement, Tempo

Stimulus-preceding negativity is modulated by action-outcome contingency正木宏明ヒト実験神経科学事象関連電位reinforcement learningreinforcementevent-related potentialsstimulus-preceding negativityreward predictionaffective/motivational

書誌:   Neuroreport , 2010

Masaki H, Yamazaki K, Hackley SA. (2010). Neuroreport. 10;21(4):277-81. doi: 10.1097/WNR.0b013e3283360bc3. We investigated the relationship between action-outcome contingency and stimulus-preceding negativity (SPN), a motivationally sensitive event-related potential. Neuroimaging studies have shown that insular cortex (a known source of the SPN) is more activated prior tore wards that are contingent on prior correct action than rewards that are given gratuitously. We compared two gambling tasks, one in which the participant attempted to guess the profitable key-press option (choice) and one in which rewards were simply given at random (no-choice).The SPN that developed in anticipation of feedback was larger in the choice condition, especially at right anterolateral sites. These findings suggest that the SPN specifically reflects the expectation of response reinforcement, rather than anticipatory attention toward emotionally salient stimuli.  Keywords: affective/motivational, event-related potentials, reinforcement, reward prediction, stimulus-preceding negativity

公共図書館の評価に関する研究- その3 満足度調査の試作と実施 -小島隆矢社会ヒト調査社会学質問紙クラスター分析顧客満足公共図書館因子分析利用者ニーズCSポートフォリオ

書誌:日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集 ,2012

A new perspective on the development of early mother offspring relatinship根ヶ山光一総説発達心理学prototriadweaningothernessmother offspring relationshipautonomy

書誌: Integr Psych Behav,2011

Integr Psych Behav (2011) 45:86–99

Koichi Negayama

Abstract The mother–offspring relationship has components of both positivity andnegativity. Kowakare is a new concept introduced to explain an adaptive function ofthe negativity in the early mother-offspring relationship. Kowakare is the psychosomatic development of the relationship as the process of accumulation in theotherness of offspring. Early human Kowakare has two frameworks, biological interbody antagonism and socio-cultural allomothering compensating the antagonism.Some features of feeding/weaning, parental aversion to offspring’s bodily products,and transition from dyad to triad relationship (proto–triad relationship) in tactile playare discussed. Early human Kowakare is promoted by allomothering with the nestedsystems of objects/persons/institutions as interfaces between mother and offspring.Kowakare makes mother–offspring relationship a mutually autonomous andcooperative companionship. Keywords Kowakare . Mother–offspring relationship . Otherness. Weaning . Prototriad . Autonomy   

Exercise and thermoregulation永島計総説運動生理学dorsomedial hypothalamusbehavioral thermoregulationhypothalamusautonomic thermoregulationsweatbody temperatureskin vessels

書誌: The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine, 2012

J Phys Fitness Sports Med, 1(1): 73-82 (2012) 

Kei Nagashima, Ken Tokizawa , Yuki Uchida, Mayumi Nakamura-Matsuda  and Chen-Hsien Lin

Abstract Humans have physiological, intellectual, and cultural capabilities to maintain viable body temperatures under several conditions. We do exercise in daily living for labor, health, and just fun. However, exercise is one of the strong factors disturbing the maintenance of body temperature. Some conditions, such as heavy exercise in thermal extremes, could rapidly lead to dangerous internal temperatures. Body temperature constancy is achieved by two major processes: i) behavioral processes of maintaining or searching for a preferable environment and ii) autonomic processes, e.g. vasodilation of the skin, sweating and shivering. The thermal load posed by the environment or by heavy exercise may be too great for the capacity of the regulators. Or, the regulator could be deranged due to extreme temperatures. Accidents during exercise often involve a compromise of many aspects of thermal balance; and an altered body temperature is very likely. In the present review, recent knowledge is looked at about the thermoregulation system, focusing on its defense mechanisms against the thermal load due to exercise and pathophysiological reasons for incidences of abnormal body temperature during exercise.

Keywords : body temperature, skin vessels, sweat, behavioral thermoregulation, autonomic thermoregulation, hypothalamus

Prevalence and persistence of depression in patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillator: A 2-year longitudinal study鈴木伸一疾患特性ヒト調査臨床心理学身体医学質問紙shockimplantable cardioverter defibrillatordepression

書誌: Pacing Clin Electrophysiol , 2010 Suzuki Tsuyoshi, Shiga Tsuyoshi, Kuwahara Kuwahara, Kobayashi Sayaka, Suzuki Shinich, Nishimura Katsuji, Suzuki Atsushi, Ejima Koichiro, Manaka Tetsuyuki, Shoda Morio, Ishigooka Jun, Kasanuki Hiroshi, Hagiwara Nobuhisa. (2010), Prevalence andpersistence of depression in patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillator: a 2-year longitudinal study., Pacing Clin Electrophysiol, 33(12), 1455-1461. Abstract

Background: It is unclear whether depression persists in patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs). We evaluated the prevalence and persistence of depression in ICD patients over a 2-year period. Methods: The study included 90 consecutively hospitalized patients. Patients underlying heart disease was 24% coronary artery disease, 29% idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy, 24% hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, 13% idiopathic VF/long QT syndrome and miscellaneous conditions 11%. A secondary indication for ICD implantation was present in 20 patients. All patients completed the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS) at study baseline and at the their routine follow-up visit 2 years after the baseline questionnaire. Delivery of ICD therapies was tracked throughout the 2 years. Results: Depression, indicated by a Zung SDS index score exceeding 60, was present in 29 (32%) of patients at study baseline. Depression was present in 11/51 (21%) patients scheduled to undergo ICD implantation, 2/2 (100%) patients whose device was upgraded to a CRT-D, 3/14 (21%) patients who had undergone pulse generator replacement, 7/14 (50%) patients who experienced electrical storm and 6/9 (66%) patients hospitalized with acute decompensated heart failure. NYHA functional class III was significantly associated with depression at baseline (HR 6.7, 95% CI 1.68–27.2, p = 0.0007). No differences were noted for female gender, demographics, β-blocker use, or LVEF ≤35% (p = ns). Depression was present in 25 (28%) of patients at 2 years follow-up, persisting in 21 (72%) of patients whose Zung SDS scores were elevated at baseline. The median time from ICD shock therapy to completion of the 2 year questionnaire was 9 months (range, 1–22). Patients who were depressed (9/25, 36%) experienced more shocks than non-depressed patients (6/65, 9%) after 2 years (p = 0.002). Conclusions: Depression is not uncommon among patients who meet criteria for ICD implantation and persists over time particularly when functional status is impaired. Depression is associated with a higher incidence shock therapy.

対話システムと心的負担菊池英明, 市川熹対話ヒト実験言語学行動観察対話システム話者交替心的負担

書誌:The 27th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Articial Intelligence, 2013

The 27th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Articial Intelligence, 2013

対話システムと心的負担Mental Work Load of Dialogue System


Akira Ichikawa


Keiko Takizawa


Hideaki Kikuchi


Hiroki Oohashi


Yasuo Horiuchi


Shingo Kuroiwa

Human performance and comfort in protective clothing and sportswear正木宏明ヒト実験運動生理学感覚心理学事象関連電位質問紙working memoryP3正の情動一過性有酸素運動ワーキングメモリ体幹の安定性event-related potentialspositive moodcognitive controlacute aerobic exercisecore stability

☆書誌: Erfonomics ,2014

This study examined whether wearing a pair of core-supporting gym shorts influenced cognitive control and mood state following aerobic exercise in young adults. Cognitive performance and the event-related P3 potential were measured. Twenty-four adults were assigned to either the core-supporting shorts group or the normal shorts group. Participants completed 30 minutes of an acute treadmill exercise involving walking and/or running at an intensity of 70% HRmax. They next performed a modified Sternberg memory task, in which participants encoded a letter array and determine if a probe letter had been presented in the preceding set of memory items. Results indicated that the core-supporting shorts group exhibited greater response accuracy and larger P3 amplitudes as compared to the normal shorts group. In addition, the core-supporting shorts group reported more pleasantness and relaxation than the normal shorts group. These results suggest that wearing the core-supporting shorts improves the cognitive control associated with working memory and induces a positive affect as well.   

人材の確保・活用におけるオフィス環境の寄与に関する研究 - その1 大学生が働きたいと思うオフィスの評価構造 -小島隆矢社会ヒト調査社会学質問紙モチベーションクラスター分析評価グリッド法対応分析オフィス評価構造

書誌:日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集 ,2013

Effect of 2 days of intensive resistance training on appetite-related hormone and anabolic hormone responses内田直運動ヒト実験遺伝学運動生理学分子生物学appetiteenergy balancefatigueホルモンincreased training volumeendocrine response

書誌:   Clin Physiol Funct Imaging ,2013

Goto K, Shioda K, Uchida S. (2013). Clin Physiol Funct Imaging. 33(2):131-6. doi: 10.1111/cpf.12005

Summary This study was designed to determine endocrine responses during 2 days of strenuous resistance training. Ten healthy men performed resistance training twice a day for two successive days to induce acute fatigue (excessive physical stress).The resistance training consisted of four exercises for the lower body in the morning and seven exercises for the upper body in the afternoon. Maximal isometric and isokinetic strengths were measured from day 1 (before the training period) to day 3 (after the training period). Fasting blood samples were taken on days 1–3. Maximal isometric and isokinetic strengths significantly decreased with two successive days of training (P<005), with significant increases in serum creatine phosphokinase and myoglobin concentrations (P<005). Significant reductions in the fasting concentrations of serum insulin-like growth factor-1, freetestosterone, insulin and high-molecular-weight adiponectin were observed on day 3 (P<005), whereas there were no changes in the serum cortisol concentration or the free testosterone/cortisol ratio. Plasma active ghrelin and serum leptinconcentrations decreased by 207 ± 28% and 296 ± 41%, respectively(P<005). Two days strenuous resistance training significantly affects the profiles of anabolic hormone and endocrine regulators of appetite and energy balance, such as ghrelin and leptin. The present findings suggest that decreased ghrelinand leptin concentrations might reflect excessive physical stress and may be early signs of accumulated fatigue. 


書誌:Human Developmental Research,2013

Human Developmental Research 2013.Vol.27, 131-136

早稲田大学大学院人間科学研究科 石島 このみ 早稲田大学人間科学学術院 根ヶ山 光 一

要 約 触覚的体験が豊富な乳児期において,身体接触は母子の関係性を規定する重要なファクターであると考えられる。母子の自然な遊び場面においても,身体接触を伴った遊びがしばしば観察される。しかしながら,そこにおける母子のやりとりについての丁寧な検討は,未だほとんどなされていない。そこで本研究では,発達初期の母子の身体接触遊び場面においてどのような相互作用がなされ,発達的にいかに変化するのか,そしてそれらの身体接触遊び体験が母子の関係性や乳児の社会性の発達にどのような意味や機能をもたらすのか,といったことについて,やりとりのマルチモーダルな時系列的構造に着目しながら詳細に検討する。本稿では特に,本研究の中間報告として研究の問題と目的,方法,現在の進捗状況について報告する。



書誌: ストレス科学 ,2013

伊藤大輔・鈴木伸一(2013) トラウマと症状に対する否定的認知および対処方略が非致死性トラウマによって生じた外傷後ストレス症状に及ぼす影響, ストレス科学, 27(3), 282-290

要約 本研究の目的は,トラウマと症状に対する否定的認知及び対処方略が非致死性トラウマによって生じた外傷後ストレス症状に及ぼす影響を検討することであった。 大学生の中で非致死性トラウマによって重症の外傷後ストレス症状を有しているものに対して,外傷体験調査票,外傷体験後の否定的認知尺度,外傷後ストレス症状に対する否定的解釈尺度,対処方略尺度,改訂版出来事インパクト尺度を実施した。その結果,本邦においても非致死性トラウマによって重症の外傷後ストレス症状を有しているものが一定数存在することが示された。更に,階層的重回帰分析の結果から。各認知行動的変数が外傷後ストレス症状に影響していることが示された。以上の結果から,非致死性トラウマによって重症の外傷後ストレス症状が形成・維持される過程において,個人差要因が影響を及ぼしており,これらの要因に対する心理的支援が効果的である可能性が示唆された。