渡辺崇史・畠山卓朗・冨板 充・奥山俊博・手嶋教之(2013), ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌, 15(3),271-280
Abstract The purpose of this work was to characterize the pointing device operations with a single finger in supine position on an adjustable bed in order to improve assistive technology for users with physical disabilities. Experimental work consisted of using participants assumed physical disabilities who performed tasks that involved moving the cursor to specified locations on the PC screen in specific directions. The experiments were performed using the trackball in sitting position and supine position. In sitting position the factors were display locations and operation finger conditions. The experiment in supine position was performed using the index finger and the factors were display locations and reclining angles on the adjustable bed. In the results, the ease of cursor movement were found to have diff erent characteristics depending on display locations. In supine position the results identified diagonal directions to be diffi cult. Especially, when the conditions were supination position with the right side display, the operation was more diffi cult and required the more time. Therefore to optimize the operational performance of the pointing devices, the direction and speed of cursor movement needs to be independently controlled to meet the individual posture and PC usage environment of the user.