書誌: Neuron, 2010
Neuron 67, 407–421, August 12, 2010 ª2010 Elsevier Inc
Ken-ichiro Kuwako, Kyoko Kakumoto, Takao Imai, Mana Igarashi, Takao Hamakubo, Shin-ichi Sakakibara, Marc Tessier-Lavigne, Hirotaka James Okano, and Hideyuki Okano
Precisely regulated spatiotemporal gene expressionis essential for the establishment of neural circuits.In contrast to the increasing evidence for transcriptional regulation of axon guidance cues and receptors, the role of posttranscriptional regulation inaxon guidance, especially in vivo, remains poorlycharacterized. Here, we demonstrate that theexpression of Slit receptor Robo3/Rig-1, which playscrucial roles in axonal midline crossing, is regulatedby a neural RNA-binding protein Musashi1 (Msi1).Msi1 binds to Robo3 mRNA through RNA recognitionmotifs and increases the protein level of Robo3without affecting its mRNA level. In Msi1-deficientprecerebellar neurons, Robo3 protein, but not itsmRNA, is dramatically reduced. Moreover, similarto defects in Robo3-deficient mice, axonal midlinecrossing and neuronal migration of precerebellarneurons are severely impaired in Msi1-deficientmice. Together, these findings indicate that Msi1-mediated posttranscriptional regulation of Robo3controls midline crossing of precerebellar neurons.