書誌:日本感性工学会論文誌 ,2013
先天性盲ろう乳幼児の保護者が養育時に抱える困難に関する研究,熊田華恵・土井幸輝・杉中拓央,中澤惠江・ 畠山卓朗・中川辰雄,日本感性工学会論文誌,Vol.12,No.4,537-543,2013
Abstract: Children with deafblindness have impairments in both vision and hearing. However, owing to the low incidence of this disability, few programs have been implemented to address the unique learning needs of these infants and toddlers and the specific concerns of their families. The majority of such children have additional problems, such as physical disabilities and/or medical disorders. Thus, infants and toddlers with deafblindness and their families are in urgent need of a suitable support program. For development of the affective support program, we identified the parent’s obstacles nurturing congenital deafblind infants and toddlers. Concretely, we conducted an interview survey to parents of infants and toddlers with deafblindness by reminiscing back to upbringing time. The survey revealed that such parents have difficulties related to the evaluation of their children’s acuity of vision and hearing, communication with family members, and lack of information about nurturing infants and toddlers with deafblindness.