書誌: Integr Psych Behav,2011
Integr Psych Behav (2011) 45:86–99
Koichi Negayama
Abstract The mother–offspring relationship has components of both positivity andnegativity. Kowakare is a new concept introduced to explain an adaptive function ofthe negativity in the early mother-offspring relationship. Kowakare is the psychosomatic development of the relationship as the process of accumulation in theotherness of offspring. Early human Kowakare has two frameworks, biological interbody antagonism and socio-cultural allomothering compensating the antagonism.Some features of feeding/weaning, parental aversion to offspring’s bodily products,and transition from dyad to triad relationship (proto–triad relationship) in tactile playare discussed. Early human Kowakare is promoted by allomothering with the nestedsystems of objects/persons/institutions as interfaces between mother and offspring.Kowakare makes mother–offspring relationship a mutually autonomous andcooperative companionship. Keywords Kowakare . Mother–offspring relationship . Otherness. Weaning . Prototriad . Autonomy