書誌: Cogn Process ,2012
Faber PL, Lehmann D, Tei S, Tsujiuchi T, Kumano H, Pascual-Marqui RD, Kochi K. (2012). Cogn Process. 13(3):255-65. doi: 10.1007/s10339-012-0441-4.
Pascal L. Faber • Dietrich Lehmann • Shisei Tei • Takuya Tsujiuchi • Hiroaki Kumano • Roberto D. Pascual-Marqui • Kieko Kochi
Abstract Experienced Qigong meditators who regularlyperform the exercises ‘‘Thinking of Nothing’’ and‘‘ Qigong’’ were studied with multichannel EEG sourceimaging during their meditations. The intracerebral localization of brain electric activity during the two meditationconditions was compared using sLORETA functional EEGtomography. Differences between conditions were assessedusing t statistics (corrected for multiple testing) on thenormalized and log-transformed current density values ofthe sLORETA images. In the EEG alpha-2 frequency, 125voxels differed significantly; all were more active during‘‘ Qigong’’ than ‘‘Thinking of Nothing,’’ forming a singlecluster in parietal Brodmann areas 5, 7, 31, and 40, all inthe right hemisphere. In the EEG beta-1 frequency, 37voxels differed significantly; all were more active during‘‘Thinking of Nothing’’ than ‘‘Qigong,’’ forming a singlecluster in prefrontal Brodmann areas 6, 8, and 9, all in theleft hemisphere. Compared to combined initial–final notask resting, ‘‘Qigong’’ showed activation in posterior areaswhereas ‘‘Thinking of Nothing’’ showed activation inanterior areas. The stronger activity of posterior (right)parietal areas during ‘‘Qigong’’ and anterior (left) prefrontal areas during ‘‘Thinking of Nothing’’ may reflect apredominance of self-reference, attention and input-centered processing in the ‘‘Qigong’’ meditation, and of control-centered processing in the ‘‘Thinking of Nothing’’meditation.
Keywords : Meditation, LORETA, EEG, Qigong, Meditation exercise ‘‘Thinking of Nothing