書誌: J Physiol Sci, 2010
Uchida Y, Kano M, Yasuhara S, Kobayashi A, Tokizawa K, Nagashima K. Estrogen modulates central and peripheral responses to cold in female rats. J Physiol Sci. 2010 Mar;60(2):151-60. doi: 10.1007/s12576-009-0079-x.
The aim of this study was to determine whetherestrogen modulates central and peripheral responses to coldin female rats. In ovariectomized female rats with andwithout administered estrogen [E2 (+) and E2 (-),respectively], the counts of cFos-immunoreactive cells inthe medial preoptic nucleus (MPO) and dorsomedialhypothalamic nucleus (DMH) in the hypothalamus weregreater in the E2 (+) rats than in the E2 (-) rats at 5C.Examination of the response of normal female rats toexposure to 5C at different phases of the estrus cyclerevealed that counts of cFos-immunoreactive cells in theMPO, DMH, and posterior hypothalamus and the level ofuncoupling protein 1mRNAin the brown adipose tissuesweregreater in the proestrus phase than on day 1 of the diestrusphase. This result was linked to the level of plasma estrogen.The body temperature during cold exposure was higher in theE2 (+) rats than in the E2 (-) rats and was also higher in theproestrus phase than on day 1 of the diestrus phase.We concludethat estrogen may affect central and peripheral responsesinvolved in thermoregulation in the cold.
Keywords:cFos, Hypothalamus, Sex hormones, Thermoregulation, Uncoupling protein 1