書誌: 第27回日本人工知能学会全国大会 ,2013
田和辻可昌, 小島一晃, 松居辰則:視床と扁桃体の機能に着目した不気味の谷発生メカニズムのモデル化の試み, 第27回日本人工知能学会全国大会 2F1-2 (2013)
Abstract:In the research field of Human-Computer Interaction, the uncanny valley is a critical issue in designing an appropriate appearance of a humanlike agent. Although human familiarity toward an agent increases as the agent gets more similar to human, it drastically decreases to the bottom of a valley when the agent is considerably similar to real human. An agent highly similar to human is first perceived as a human and subsequently as a non-human. We propose a model of how possible a conflict of these information occurs, based on the dual-pathway of emotion and the function of the amygdala. According to the model, the conflict can the most likely occur where an agent looks highly but imperfectly human.