書誌: The 1st International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction , 2013
Yoshimasa TAWATSUJI, Keiichi MURAMATSU, Kazuaki KOJIMA, Tatsunori MATSUI: Explanation for Human Sensitive Response to a Humanlike Agent Focusing on Amygdalar Function, The 1st International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction, II-p20 (2013)
Abstract:The uncanny valley is a critical issue in the research eld of Human-Computer Interaction. In the human information processing, an agent highly similar to a real human is rst perceived as a human and subsequently as a non-human. The dual-pathway of emotion can pro-
vide an explanation for this two human processes to the agent, and the inconsistency of processed information, human and non-human, can cause the occurrence of the uncanny valley. We propose a model of how possible the inconsistency occurs, based on the dual-pathway of emotion and the function of the amygdala. According to the model, the inconsistency can the most likely occur where an agent looks highly but imperfectly human.