書誌: 第71回先進的学習科学と工学研究会 , 2014
田和辻可昌, 村松慶一, 松居辰則:定性表現を用いた人型エージェントの目の形態的特徴が人間の情動状態に与える影響の理論的検討, 第71回先進的学習科学と工学研究会, B401-4, pp.17-22 (2014)
Abstract: Designing the agents extraordinarily humanlike sometimes makes humans elicit a negative feeling against it. It is well known as the uncanny valley. We proposed the model generating how the feeling occurs based on human brain function related to emotions. However, the model was defective in its emotional information processing for the inputs, the features of the agents' eye. In this study we propose the advanced model to express the human information
processing toward them. The results of simulation indicated that a little detection of abnormality of the eye in the early but imprecise information processing caused the agent to be low-evaluated, and that agent should be negatively evaluated if human kept on gazing at an abnormality point.