書誌: 第28回人工知能学会全国大会 ,2014
田和辻可昌, 村松慶一, 松居辰則:脳機能の定性的記述を用いた人型エージェントに対する情動評価の時系列的変化モデルの提案, 第28回人工知能学会全国大会2014年5月12日, 1E3-1 (2014)
In the research eld of human agent interaction, it is a critical issue that human can feel repulsive against an agent when it looks considerably humanlike, as the unnncay valley. We hypothesized that when human observes a humanlike agent, the observer can perceive it as both human and non-human, and that the contradiction between the two kinds of perception causes negative response toward it. In the experiment, the participants were asked to judge whether faces of humanlike agents or a person was human or not with their eye tracked and their gaze direction estimated. The results indicated that observers had two-steps information processing to the agent, and we proposed a model providing an explanation for how the human negative response emerges with the concept of the dual pathway of emotion. In addition, we proposed the advanced model with the functions of the hippocampus and the striatum added. To verify the model, the transition of emotional value was simulated using the qualitative description for the model.