書誌: 日本建築学会環境系論文集 ,2012
庄司 名奈恵,小 島 隆 矢 (2012). 日本建築学会環境系論文集 77(681), 829-836.
This study examines the negative image as use prevention factor of public library. To solve this problem, two questionnaire surveys were conducted. First survey was conducted to research conscious difference between the general user and well-informed person and Second survey was conducted for library user and non-user to analyze correlation or causality between impression in library, user's experience and attitude. The results are as followings: 1) There is a difference between the general user and well-informed person. Well-informed person doesn’t feel hard in library. 2) The hard impression of library makes non-user to avoid it.
Keywords : public library, Structural Equation Modeling, Graphical Modeling, causality analysis, SD method, MANOVA