書誌: 人工知能学会論文誌 ,2010
人工知能学会論文誌 25 巻 6 号 SP-F( 2010 年)
宮澤 幸希 MIYAZAWA Kouki
影谷 卓也 KAGETANI Takuy
沈 睿 Raymond SHEN
菊池 英明 KIKUCHI Hideaki
小川 義人 OGAWA Yoshito
端 千尋 HATA Chihiro
太田 克己 OHTA Katsumi
保泉 秀明 HOZUMI Hideaki
三田村 健 MITAMURA Takeshi
In this study, we aim at clarification of the factor that promotes an user’s acceptance of suggestion from aninteractive agent in driving environment. Our aim is to figure out how human beings accept the encouragement frominteraction objects, and also which kinds of dialogues or action controls are necessary for the design of car navigationsystem which makes suggestion and requests to drivers. Firstly, we had an experiment for collecting dialogue betweenhumans in driving simulation environment, then we analyzed the drivers’ acceptance and evaluation for the navigators.As the results, we found that the presence and reliability of the navigator highly relate to the acceptance of suggestionfrom the navigator. When navigators were next to drivers, the rate of drivers’ suggestion acceptance rose. However,the stress of drivers increased. In addition, based on the linguistic and acoustic analysis of the navigators’ utterances,we found out some points of designing system utterance of suggestion to promote user’s acceptance. We found thatexpressing the grounds of suggestions, showing the exact numbers, and the wide pitch ranges, all highly relate to theacceptance of suggestions.
keywords: interaction, driving environment, car navigation, suggestion acceptance, existence